Chicago Suburb Gives Up Gun Ban


According to the NRA, the Village of Morton Grove agreed August 27 to a stipulated dismissal of a National Rifle Association lawsuit challenging the village’s gun ban. A new town ordinance recognizes the right to private handgun ownership, bringing an end to NRA’s lawsuit against the village. Morton Grove, located in a suburb of Chicago, completely dismissed its ordinance banning handguns and agreed to not replace it with any direct regulation other than to adopt existing state laws.

“Today’s move is further vindication of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Heller ruling upholding the Second Amendment as an inherent, individual civil right for all law-abiding Americans,” declared Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “Morton Grove’s decision upholds state law and does not involve any registration nor regulation beyond that law.”

The repeal of Morton Grove’s handgun ban passed on July 15 by a 5-1 vote. NRA will continue to monitor the Village of Morton Grove regarding its ban on gun stores, as the gun store provision was not a provision in the current lawsuit.

NRA may pursue Section 1983 Civil Rights actions against other municipalities who have not been cooperative to date.

“Today is an important victory and a step in the right direction for the residents of Morton Grove and for the citizens of Illinois,” concluded Cox. “NRA will keep up the fight to make sure the Second Amendment is recognized and honored across the United States of America.”


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