When Obama Wrestles with Heller


The following is excerpted from a commentary by the Second Amendment Project’s Dave Kopel

November’s presidential election won’t just determine who will reside in the White House for the next four years—it could also determine the future impact of the recent Supreme Court Heller decision on your Second Amendment rights.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in District of  Columbia v. Heller plainly stated that the Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms is, indeed, an individual right. Ironically, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama often states the same thing.

In truth, Obama poses a more serious threat to the future application of the landmark decision than any other American.

Heller was a 5-4 decision. Even if a Supreme Court a few years from now did not formally overrule Heller, it could construe the decision so narrowly as to make it the last case that meaningfully applied the Second Amendment.

A future Supreme Court could also greatly reduce Heller’s scope by refusing to make it enforceable against state and local governments. And there is every reason to believe that an Obama Supreme Court, at the urging of an Obama Department of Justice, would do so.

Although Obama claims to support the Second Amendment, his record shows virtually unrelenting hostility toward gun ownership, especially for lawful defense. Consider these facts:

Read Dave Kopel’s full commentary here


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