Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Restricting Ammunition Sales in California


SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law legislation that bans all mail-order and internet sales of handgun ammunition in the state, as well as other regulations.

In a statement, Schwarzenegger said, “I am signing Assembly Bill 962. This measure would require vendors of handgun ammunition to keep a log of information on handgun ammunition sales, store ammunition in a safe and secure manner, and require the face to-face transfer of ammunition sales.”

The statement also said, “As governor, I have signed important public safety measures to regulate the sale and transfer of .50 caliber rifles, instituted the California Firearms License Check program, and promoted the use of microstamping technology in handguns.

AB962 would also:

  • Prohibit the retail sale, the offer for sale or the display of handgun ammunition in a manner that allows ammunition to be accessible to a purchaser without assistance of a vendor or employee.
  • Require that the delivery or transfer of ownership of handgun ammunition occur in a face-to-face transaction, with the deliverer or transferor being provided bona fide evidence of identity of the purchaser or other transferee. That evidence of identity, which must be legibly recorded at the time of delivery, includes:
    1. The right thumbprint of the purchaser or transferee.
    2. The date of the sale or other transaction.
    3. The purchaser’s or transferee’s driver’s license or other identification number and the state in which it was issued.
    4. The brand, type and amount of ammunition sold or otherwise transferred.
    5. The purchaser’s or transferee’s signature.
    6. The name of the salesperson who processed the sale or other transaction.
    7. The purchaser’s or transferee’s full residential address and telephone number.
    8. The purchaser’s or transferee’s date of birth.

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