Gun Rights Quartet Applauds Supreme Court Chicago Decision


( — Alan Gura, Otis McDonald, Alan Gottlieb and John Snyder applauded Monday’s United States Supreme Court decision overturning Chicago’s handgun ban in McDonald v. City of Chicago.

Gura was the chief counsel in the case. McDonald was the lead plaintiff. Gottlieb is Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), which funded the case. Snyder is CCRKBA Public Affairs Director, SAF Treasurer and Telum Associates Manager.

“In their decision, the Justices ruled that Chicago’s ban on private handgun possession is unconstitutional,” reported Snyder.

The ruling extends the 2008 Supreme Court gun rights decision in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller to state and local governments.


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