SHOT Show Alert: Leftist Group Petitions FBI for Investigations into Pro-Gun Groups


( —, a cabal of leftist organizations who want to equate Constitutional political activity with domestic terror, recently sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller requesting that the FBI investigate and prosecute their political opponents.

Though the accused organizations have widely different mainstream political efforts, all of the accused groups and individuals have strong gun-rights positions.

“This group should be called,” one of the conservative groups’ spokesmen said at the Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas. “We’ve been libeled by these leftists, so we look forward to suing them as an organization and individually for malicious defamation, and perhaps looking into charges that they knowingly made a false official report.”

Among the accused groups were the the United States Chamber of Commerce, for spending $162,000 to support Arizona House candidate Jesse Kelly in his “Shoot A Fully Automatic M16” campaign event. Kelly ran against Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot with an over-the-counter pistol, not a heavily regulated automatic rifle.

The anti-Constitution group also slandered American Crossroads/Crossroads GPS for giving more than $1.5 million to Nevada Senate candidate Sharon Angle, who mentioned “Second Amendment remedies” as a Constitutional response to government tyranny.

The group also named Fox News host Glenn Beck (a CCL holder), whose supposed crime was having Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachman on his show.

The group also wants the FBI to investigate Fox Chairman Rupert Murdoch, who helped fund the Chamber of Commerce’s ad campaigns with a million dollar donation.

At SHOT, the convervative spokesman said, “It’s clear that the misnamed group wants to use the FBI and IRS to revoke the tax status of groups such as SarahPac, the Chamber of Commerce, American Crossroads, Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity, all of whom combined to beat these new Bolsheviks in the last election.

“Also, they aren’t above using the FCC to revoke the licenses of news and media organizations that give gun-rights organizations and other Constitutional candidate a fair hearing.”


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