SAAMI Withdraws Its Name from Tainted U.N. Program


( — The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI), a registered United Nations non-governmental organization (NGO) with roster status, has taken the regrettable but necessary step of withdrawing any reference of SAAMI association from the U.N. agency project to create “International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS).”

The goal of ISACS, as stated on the U.N. website is “To develop internationally accepted and validated standards that provide clear and comprehensive guidance to practitioners and policy-makers on small arms and light weapons control.”

SAAMI, being an accredited standards-setting organization, welcomed the opportunity to be part of a standards-setting process which requires rigorous adherence to facts.

“We saw the ISACS as a way to cut through the politics and rhetoric of this issue and get down to core actions that will reduce violence,” says Rick Patterson, Managing Director of SAAMI. “Regrettably, the process has been tainted, expert input has been ignored, and the resulting standards represent nothing more than the opinions of the authors — most of whom are affiliated with NGO’s supporting gun control.”

Because the U.N. has ignored contrary facts and opinions, and quelled debate, the U.N. has done itself — and everyone associated with ISACS — a disservice. They have negatively affected the credibility of all parties involved. For these reasons, SAAMI simply cannot allow its reputation for professionalism, integrity and factual expertise to be associated with the ISACS program.


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