NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre @ NRAAM: We Are Less Free Today Than A Decade Ago


( — NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre spoke at the NRA Annual Meetings April 14, 2012. If you weren’t able to attend, a link to a transcript of his comments appears below, courtesy of the NRA. Or click the player window to watch the speech.

LaPierre NRAAM 2012

All over this nation, people feel it in their hearts — that something has gone terribly wrong in our country. In almost every way you look at it, almost every aspect of American freedom is in some state of decline:

Our right to speak.

Our right to assemble.

Our right to practice our religion.

Our right to seek the kind of health care we want for our families.

The economic freedom to earn and spend and save … to own our own homes … to buy the kind of food we want to feed to our children … to raise and discipline our kids … even the simple right to fly the American flag.

The increasing collapse of freedom in America is becoming staggering. By almost every measure, we are less free today than we were even a short decade ago.

Not our issues, some may say. Oh, but they are. Less freedom anywhere threatens all freedoms everywhere — and don’t think our guns aren’t on their list.


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