Should the FBI Be Allowed
to Wiretap Facebook?


( — Adam Cohen writes on that “We may all be getting a new Facebook friend soon: the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI wants to shift its wiretapping from old-school telephone lines to person-to-person platforms like email and instant messaging and even social media like Facebook. To help it make the switch, the FBI is asking Congress to require tech companies to rewrite their software so it has a ‘back door’ that the FBI can use to listen in.”

Cohen writes that it is all part of an initiative known as “Going Dark.” The FBI says that its ability to follow suspected criminals is eroding – or “going dark”—as people communicate more online and that it needs new powers to help it track down drug dealers, sex traffickers, and terrorists. But “Going Dark” has –- not surprisingly — set off a major privacy battle, even though the FBI would still need to get court approval to place a wiretap.

Read more here.


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