NRA Applauds Resolution
that Recommends Finding
Holder in Contempt of Congress


( — By a vote of 23 to 17, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform passed a resolution recommending that the House find Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress.

“The NRA fully supports this contempt resolution,” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. “The American people–including millions of NRA members and tens of millions of NRA supporters–deserve the truth, and we will support any effort that leads us to that truth.”

The Committee’s report thoroughly details the immediate reasons for the resolution: the Justice Department’s open defiance of legitimate demands for documents that are needed for oversight and investigation of one of the most disastrous episodes in the history of federal law enforcement.

Since taking office, Attorney General Holder has seized on the deadly violence in Mexico to promote more gun control. He perpetuated the lie that “90 percent” of firearms used in Mexican crime come from the U.S., he called for resurrecting the 1994 Clinton gun ban, and has used the issue to justify an illegal multiple sales reporting scheme, which amounts to gun registration for honest Americans who buy long guns in southwest border states.

There is little doubt that the White House used the Fast and Furious program to advance its gun control agenda. The White House actively sought information from the operation to support its plan to demand reporting of multiple rifle sales by the nearly 9,000 federally licensed firearm dealers in border states.

“The NRA’s support of this resolution was not undertaken lightly. Eric Holder and the Justice Department owe it to the American people to produce the truth,” concluded Cox.


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