Anti-Hunting Twitter Mob
Urges Olympic Shotgunner
Corey Cogdell to Shoot Herself


( — Corey Cogdell is a Trap Shooter who won a bronze medal at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and competed in the 2012 Olympic Games in London, placing 11th in Women’s Trap. She also hunts wild game.

After Cogdell published photos on Facebook of herself posing alongside animals she killed, anti-hunting activists took to Twitter to threaten and insult her, the political website reports.

The supposedly violent Cogdell’s biography read like this: Corey Cogdell trailed by eight targets at the 2008 Trials before making a comeback and qualifying for the Beijing Games, where she won the bronze medal in women’s trap. In her first international competition at the 2007 Chagwon World Cup, Cogdell earned the bronze medal. She followed that up with a bronze medal at the 2007 Pan American Games, one year before she took home another bronze medal at the Beijing Games. Cogdell enjoys riding motorcycles, rock climbing, hunting, fishing and Italian cooking.

To see the entire thread (including the Twits that Tweeted her), click here.


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