NRA’s Cox Notes Not-So-Subtle
Change in Dem Party Platform

0 — This from NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox: President Obama is running from a crime scene.

Rather than acknowledge the deadly truth about how the anti-gun policies he promoted as a state senator have utterly failed the good people of Chicago, Obama is hoping that a not-so-subtle change in the Democratic Party platform will sweep it all under the rug, writes the NRA’s Chris Cox at the Daily Caller.

Recall back in 2008, Democrats attempted to downplay then-candidate Barack Obama’s hostility toward gun owners and our Second Amendment freedoms by putting this line in their party’s platform (emphasis added):

We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne.

In this year’s platform, however, Team Obama has shortened this passage to read:

We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation.

Gone is any mention of Chicago. That’s because life in the criminal utopia that Obama helped build there is not pretty.


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