Oklahoma: 12-Year-Old Girl Defends Herself from Home Invader


(GunReports.com) — According to a story in The Oklahoman newspaper (Oklahoma City), Kendra St. Clair, 12, was at home alone in Durant, Okla. when a man began banging on the front door. Frightened, Kendra called her mother at work, who told her to retrieve a .40-caliber pistol and to hide in the bathroom closet.

Kendra complied, and after calling 911, heard the criminal break through a back door. After about six minutes inside the home, the intruder made it to the bathroom closet where Kendra was hiding. As the home invader attempted to open the closet, Kendra fired at the criminal, striking him and causing him to flee.

Police captured the intruder a short time later and transported him to a hospital.

Following the incident, Kendra’s mother told local media about how her daughter was coping, stating, “She’s a trooper… She’s staying strong and confident. She’s handling this much better than I would have.” When asked about her experience, Kendra told reporters, “I kept my head on straight.”


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