Michigan State House passes bill allowing concealed weapons in schools, day care centers, stadiums, and churches


(GunReports.com) — Changes to Michigan’s concealed weapons law passed the state House last week, allowing gun owners who take additional training classes and who shoot and pass additional qualifying courses to carry their weapons in places such as schools, day care centers, stadiums and churches.

Regular carry permits require candidates to attend an 8 hour instructional class along with range time. The range time requires them to show proficiency with a pistol and fire a minimum of 98 rounds. To receive an exemption that allows them to carry in pistol free zones (PFZs), potential carriers must attend another 9 hours of instruction plus fire an additional 94 rounds of ammo.

Privately owned facilities could opt out of the new law if they don’t want people carrying guns in their buildings.

The gun bill also requires the Michigan State Police, rather than local law enforcement, to maintain gun permitting records. State Rep. Joel Johnson, R-Clare, called the bill a “pro-public safety bill because it allowed gun owners to be an “asset” to public safety in volatile situations.


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