Hornady Wants You in the Game


(GunReports.com) — Ammunition maker Hornady is asking its customers to “protect your rights” by providing a form letter gun owners can use and send to political representatives.

The Hornady release starts with a statement shooters will agree with: “Gun rights are under attack. We need to speak up and make our voices heard. Contact both federal and state officials by sending a letter. We’ve made it easy by creating a sample letter that can be used as-is or personalized with your own message.”

Then, Hornady’s call to action is, “If you haven’t already contacted your political leaders, do it today! Then forward the link to everyone you know!”

The Hornady letter template reads:

As a voter who believes in the U.S. Constitution, I am writing to express my views on gun control legislation currently being discussed in every level of government. I am one of over 100 million law-abiding American citizens who responsibly owns firearms for target shooting, hunting, personal and home defense, and collecting. I care deeply about the Second Amendment, and I am closely monitoring legislation that would restrict my right to keep and bear arms.

I am saddened by the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut, but I believe that efforts to impose new restrictions on me, a lawful and responsible gun owner, are misguided and unwarranted. The so-called “Assault Weapons Ban,” which for a decade restricted the sale of semiautomatic rifles and limited magazine capacity to ten rounds, did not reduce crime, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Justice. And since the expiration of the ban in 2004, violent crime has declined.

Your focus should be on real solutions to the problem of misuse of firearms, such as strengthening mental health care and improving the quality of data supporting the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Do NOT pass more gun or magazine laws; instead, work to enforce the thousands of gun laws already on the books and help step up prosecution of criminals who commit violence and misuse firearms.

See the whole letter here.


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