Firearms Imports Up, Exports Down from 2011 to 2012


( — NSSF reports that overall U.S. imports (in units) in six sporting arms and ammunition categories increased 41.0 percent in June 2012 compared to June 2011. June 2012 imported units in tracked categories totaled 203.2 million, up from 144.2 million reported in June 2011.

Handgun imports increased 7.0 percent from 161,189 to 172,467 units. Within the handgun category, Pistol import units increased 16.5 percent from 129,174 to 150,499 units while imported Revolver units dropped 31.4 percent from 32,015 to 21,968 units.

Rifle imports were up 55.3 percent from 59,157 to 91,898 units. As of June 10, 2012, this category was adjusted to exclude Telescopic Sights Imported with Rifles.

Telescopic Sights for rifles rose 31.7% over June 2011 figures: from 5,414 to 7,129 units.

Shotgun category posted a 1.2 percent increase in imported units from 56,872 to 57,547.

Muzzleloader category fell 8.4 percent from 24,944 to 22,842 units.

Other Cartridges (excluding Shotgun cartridges) category increased 41.0 percent from 138.7 million to 195.5 million units.

Shotgun Cartridges category increased 42.0 percent rising to 7.4 million units as compared to last years 5.2 million.

Overall U.S. exports (in units) in six sporting arms and ammunition categories decreased 15.0 percent in June 2012 compared to June 2011. June 2012 exported units in tracked categories totaled 66.3 million, down from 77.9 million reported in June 2011.

Handgun exports increased 37.7 percent from 15,912 to 21,906 units. Within the handgun category, Pistol export units increased 45.8 percent from 14,299 to 20,749 units while imported Revolver units dipped 31.3 percent from 1,683 to 1,157 units.Rifle exports were up 80.6 percent from 21,206 to 38,299 units.

Telescopic Sights for Rifles (HTS code 9013102000, which includes military use) rose 23.2 percent from 28,963 units to 35,669.

Shotgun category posted a 43.3 percent increase in exported units from 18,429 to 26,402.

Muzzleloader category declined 18.6 percent from 1,058 to 861 units exported.

Other Cartridges (excluding Shotgun cartridges) category decreased 19.9 percent from 73.8 million to 59.1 million units exported.

Shotgun Cartridges category increased 74.5 percent rising to 7.0 million units as compared to last years 4.0 million.


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