GALCOs Underwraps BellyBand ($40) can carry much more than this, but the slim Kahr P9 is an ideal choice.

Lefties wear the leather holster side out. Even a medium-large L- frame revolver such as this Smith & Wesson 386SC will fit comfortably in a GALCO BellyBand. Eckstine fit the Kahr P9, a flashlight, a spare magazine and combat folding knife in the BellyBand. Tucked in back is the kitchen sink.
The Galco Underwraps BellyBand is an elastic garment that can be worn low, just above the waist- band, or high underneath the armpit. It resembles a heavyweight Ace bandage that secures with Velcro. The Galco model has two leather holsters sewn in on opposite ends. In between, the elastic is doubled up to form to pouches for spare ammunition, magazines or cash, or anything else that fits.
The Galco catalog shows two pistols, a flashlight, spare magazine, folding knife and a badge, but the average person needs little more than a single pistol. The limit may not be the band itself, but the garment covering it. Although the BellyBand is ambidextrous, it was designed so that left-handed wearers apply the band with the holsters out and righties with the holsters against the body. But, there are no rules in terms of application. We also liked the cross-draw position because we can use the left hand to lift the shirt and the right hand to retrieve the pistol.
Whatever works is correct, and with the BellyBand the variations are nearly endless. In terms of retention each way proved secure. We found that one staffer needed a size somewhere in be- tween medium and large. The answer was to add another section of rough Velcro to our large-sized model to take up the slack. This cost us an additional $7.50, but it was worth it.

We tried the BellyBand against our bare skin underneath a T-shirt and over an undershirt, and beneath a variety of sweaters, pullovers and button down shirts. It does hide well. We prefer putting the band over an undershirt instead of next to bare skin, and found that the two holsters, each of which offer a different contour, will hold on to just about any style of gun.
With the introduction of super lightweight materials, even a Smith & Wesson Titanium L-frame revolver will stow comfortably, but a flat, small-frame semi auto like the Kahr P9 pistol is ideal.
For more information, contact Galco, (800) 874- 2526.