Tucson Tragedy Used to Beat the Drums for More Gun Control


(GunReports.com) — Gun-rights supporters already know that the current political climate is an extremely dangerous time for the 2nd Amendment and those who support it. Rather than focusing on the victims of the tragedy and supporting them, the take-our-guns crowd wants to use the dead and wounded in Arizona as pretext to strip gunowners of their kit.

The anti-gunners and their political alliances also want to suppress other rights, because they’re seeking to seize/confiscate/outlaw your property (guns and associated goods), and to simultaneously stop you from protesting such actions.

For at least the rest of the week, GunReports.com will continue to compile links to stories that document the threats being made to 2nd Amendment and other speech and property rights under the pretext of the Tucson tragedy.

If GunReports.com members have other links they’d like to share, please post them in the Comments areas below. We’ll update the story as often as practical.

Also, we’d encourage GR members to jump into the various comments sections in these links and add gun and tactical experience where, on the agitation side, there isn’t much knowledge or sense. —Scott Freigh, GunReports.com admin

Anti-Gun Agitation

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Presents Plan In Wake of Tucson Tragedy>: “It is imperative that we do all that we can to give law enforcement the tools they need to ensure the safety of New Yorkers and prevent an attack before it happens,” said Congressman King. “That is why, as Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and Co-Chair of the Congressional Task Force on Illegal Guns, I will be introducing legislation that would make it illegal to knowingly carry a gun within a 1,000 feet of certain high-profile government officials.”

Gun laws and mass murder: Posted by James Alan Fox, Crime and Punishment: Because of their high-profile nature, mass murders are often exploited to advance some political agenda, and this is especially true when it comes to the role of firearms. Mass shootings have served as ammunition in the debate over gun control, but used, ironically enough, by advocates on both sides of the issue.

WaPo: Violent talk blocks sane gun laws: The tragedy of Tucson hasn’t shaken us out of bad political habits. Instead of promoting a sober conversation about the dangers of violent political talk, it has reinforced divisions between left and right.

L.A. Times: Gun control activists cite the shooting rampage as a reason to impose stricter background checks and reinstate an assault-weapons ban.

NPR: Arizona Gun Laws Among Most Lenient In U.S.

TalkLeft blog: Arizona Gun Laws And The Tucson Tragedy: This issue of gun control laws has basically been swept aside since the Brady Law debate days of 1994. Indeed, the gun rights advocates have so swept the field that it is hard to find any gun control advocates at all. I am one of the few.

Slate Second-Guesses CCL Hero at the Safeway

The hot word blog: The word “vitriol” was everywhere in the news. What is its literally dangerous meaning?: After Saturday’s shocking attack on Arizona lawmaker Gabrielle Giffords and a crowd of bystanders, an unusual word proliferated through all forms of media. Shortly after the shooting tragedy, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik cited “vitriolic rhetoric” as a potential source for the violence.

Self-Defense Responses

What The Media Must Ask Gun Control Advocates

Hyperbole aside, would a ban on oversized magazines result in lower crime rates and prevent massacres like the one we saw take place in Arizona? John Lott Jr., a criminologist and author of The Bias Against Guns, says no. Not a chance.


Examiner: In the wake of Tucson, here come calls for more gun laws

Prison Planet: Liberal Smear Machine Backfires After Gunman Found To Be Occultist, Pot-Smoking Left Winger

Jared Loughner is a product of Sheriff Dupnik’s office « The Cholla Jumps

Shenandoah » America’s Night of Broken Glass in Arizona

House Dem calls for ‘beefed up’ security, special treatment for members by TSA – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room

The Shameful Left And Revisionism in [Market-Ticker]

Top Republican Rep. Pete King to Introduce Gun-Control Legislation – The Note

Drummond: Time to enact sensible gun control legislation – San Jose Mercury News

Tucson Shootings Revive Calls For Tougher Gun Laws : NPR

MinnPost – Semi-automatic pistol used in Arizona shootings is available in Minnesota, too

Tragedy to Triumph


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