American Elements to Expand Bismuth Production to Meet Demand for Lead-Free Bullets


American Elements, a manufacturer of engineered and advanced material products based in Los Angeles, California, has announced the further expansion of its bismuth metal facilities to meet growing demand for the metal in non-lead bullets and ammunition.

The new production capacity will affect deliveries beginning immediately. Recent changes in state and local laws requiring that lead-free projectiles be used for hunting game in certain restricted areas has increased demand for various forms of the metal, including as shot, granules and needles. American Elements now offers all three in 99.99% purity. For example, last December the California Department of Fish and Game modified its authorized methods for hunting certain big game, including deer, bear and elk, in its condor range to lead-free projectiles only.

The increased capacity will also expand American Elements’ production of all its bismuth-related products including bismuth-containing alloys, bismuth oxide, other bismuth compounds, such as bismuth chloride, bismuth carbide and bismuth nitrate, nanomaterials, such bismuth oxide nanopowder and bismuth nanoparticles, and thin film coating materials for evaporation and deposition such as bismuth sputtering targets, bismuth rod, pellets and foil. 


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