Robert Campbell


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Global Defense Thunderbolt GDTBBL455 45 ACP

A wide selection of 1911 handguns with a rail for mounting combat lights are considered thoroughly modern and useful by many shooters. Those who would like to own a gun with a rail often find a mix of rail types and very expensive handguns. In this test we shoot two affordable handguns with rails and find […]
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New Shooter’s Guide: 45 Colt vs. 45 Long Colt vs. 45 ACP

A lot of shooting terms are confusing because similar language can be used for very different things. One of the most confusing are cartridge...

New Shooter’s Guide: The Best Gun For Home Defense Isn’t a Handgun, Here’s Why

We have many choices for home defense. The widest choice is in handguns. There are single-action, double-action-to-single-action, and double-action-only self-loaders and also revolvers. Glock...


10 Best 357 Magnum Revolvers

Over the past few years, Gun Tests Magazine has...

Trump Executive Order: Protecting Second Amendment Rights

President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order February 7,...

Suit Says New Jersey Seeks to Blame Glock for the Actions of Criminals

NSSF, the firearms industry trade association, is trying reopen...

PARTS Act Would Clarify Suppressor Definitions

The American Suppressor Association (ASA) issued a statement of...