Todd Woodard

Todd Woodard has been editor of Gun Tests Magazine since 1998 and had previously been managing editor and a contributor for the magazine going back to 1992. He began competitive shooting at the age of 10 in NRA-sanctioned smallbore rifle matches, earning various local and regional wins as a sub-junior shooter, including a state 4H championship. In college at Texas A&M, he earned three letters on the university's smallbore rifle and air rifle teams, and he served as captain of the team for two years. He was also the first A&M student to qualify for an NCAA Championship slot. He graduated with a B.S. in Journalism.  Other roles he has served in included Shooting Venue Press Chief for the Atlanta Olympic Games in July 1996; editor, Guns, Gear & Game; editor, American Gunsmith Book Series; editor, Women's Shooting Sports Foundation Magazine; editor, Performance Shooter Magazine; marketing manager for Kenner Boat Co.; managing editor for the Hunter's Handbook Annual (Seattle); consulting editor for The Range Report, produced by the National Shooting Sports Foundation in Newtown, CT; regionals editor for Heartland USA, produced by U.S. Tobacco in Greenwich, CT; and executive publisher for Texas Sporting Journal in Houston. He has also pulled duty as a columnist for Gun Digest the Magazine (F+W Publications), copy editor for Fair Chase, a publication of the Boone and Crockett Club (Missoula, MT); and as a contributing editor for the Gun Digest Annual. As a blogger, he has produced news-related content for the Defender Outdoors blog (Fort Worth, TX) and Midsouth Shooters Supply "Shot Report" Blog (Clarksville, TN), and was senior content writer for U.S. & Texas LawShield (Houston). In addition to Gun Tests, his current projects include page production for the Texas Trophy Hunters Association (San Antonio, TX) and book production for Dust Devil Publishing of Midland, TX. He has also edited the 14th, 15th, and 16th editions of Cartridges of the World and authored the Brownells Guide to 101 Gun Gadgets and Shooter's Bible Guide to Cartridges (Skyhorse Publ.)

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