In this offer, Ed Brown is allowing customers to send old magazines of any make to upgrade to an Ed Brown Performance Magazine of their choice for only $10! It is a one-to-one exchange, so for every single magazine sent in, the customer can select one Ed Brown magazine of his or her choice, up to 20 magazines per exchange.
Gun Tests Editor Todd Woodard said, "The Modular Stock System allows for length-of-pull adjustment to accommodate shooters of various sizes as well as variations in thickness of outerwear. With a low comb height and 12.5-inch length of pull, this 10/22 model is ideal for training younger shooters."
I would also mention the NRA is suing Gov. Andrew Cuomo and several of his financial appointees for "blacklisting" the NRA from getting insurance coverage in New York State. This is a political attack, of course, but it's not legislative, which gun-rights advocates know how to work against. If Cuomo's tactics hold, then NRA could conceivably be prevented from even operating in the state, and the ban would have been accomplished administratively.
The Citori White Lightning is chambered for 12-gauge 3-inch shells and includes three Invector-Plus black Midas Grade extended choke tubes in Full, Modified, and Improved Cylinder constrictions. Available barrel lengths are 26 inches and 28 inches.
Beginning September 17, 2018, all repairs and product returns must be sent to the new location in Greeley, PA. The service department can be reached by email at or by phone at 508-795-3919 Ext. 1. The new shipping address for Kahr and Auto-Ordnance repairs and product returns is stated here.