Groups Take Aim At Florida Gun Law
Florida’s 'guns at work' law is set to take effect July 1 unless a suit by the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Retail Federation stops the legislation, which allows Floridians to keep a gun in their locked cars on work premises if they have a concealed weapons permit.
WV Town To Drop Gun Ban Proposal
Ranson, West Virginia, Mayor David A. Hamill says he doesn’t expect the Ranson City Council to approve a proposed firearms ban because of the opposition it has drawn.
New Miss Tennessee Carries
Ellen Carrington, 21, who was recently crowned Miss Tennessee, has a concealed weapons permit.
Vitter To Introduce Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Senator David Vitter (R-LA) is planning to introduce a concealed carry reciprocity bill next week.
Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels Exploits Gun-Show Loophole
Writing in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, gun-rights advocates Alan Gottlieb and Joe Waldron wrote that “Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, behaving like the would-be ruler of a ‘city state,’ has decided to ignore Washington's longstanding firearms statute regarding the legal carry of concealed handguns by licensed private citizens on city property.”
Crimson Trace Offering Galco Pocket Protector Holster For Kel-Tec Handguns
Crimson Trace and Galco Gun Leather are offering a package consisting of a set of Lasergrips for the Kel-Tec P3AT/P32 and a custom Galco Pocket Protector holster.
Taurus Slim 709
MIAMI – SLIM is the name of this suave new entry into the Taurus line. Elegant in Blue and Stainless this small pistol can easily fit under a cummerbund or pair of bibs.
A Step in the Right Direction for Wisconsin’s Right-to-Carry Movement
…On Thursday June 5, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen issued Concealed Carry Permit #1 for a retired investigator. Van Hollen said he hoped other agencies would follow his lead. He said he has told them they have the authority to issue such permits under a four-year-old federal law that makes some of the thousands of retired Wisconsin officers able to carry a concealed weapon.
Pennsylvania Pro-Open-Carry Spokesman Detained by Police
The Citizens Voice newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., has reported that the operator of the pro-open-carry site was detained by police after having his gun confiscated.
Taurus 800 Semi-Auto Pistol Series
The 800 Series, available in .45 ACP, .40 cal and 9mm, features Taurus’ industry changing “Strike Two” capability.
Kimber Stainless Target .38 Super
Point and shoot handling and exceptional rapid fire capability makes this is a formidable defense gun. Based on our action tests our shooter was able to place two shots on a five yard target about 0.25 seconds sooner than with our other test guns. This could make its 9+1 capacity, (which is better than other 1911s), academic when compared to the higher capacity pistols.
Public Continues to Oppose Banning Handgun Sales
…The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted April 23-27 among 1,502 Americans, finds that public attitudes about gun control also have shown little change in recent years.