Firearms Industry Statement on Passage of NICS Legislation
The legislation requires federal agencies to provide relevant data for use in the NICS system, a database that stores the names of individuals prohibited by federal law from purchasing or possessing firearms.
NASR, EPA Forge Agreement
A new agreement between NSSF's ranges division, the National Association of Shooting Ranges (NASR), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows shooting ranges to submit Environmental Stewardship Plans anonymously.
Hunters, Shooters to Top $4 Trillion in Lifetime Spending
Forty million Americans today are active in shooting sports and hunting. During their lifetimes, the total retail value of their recreational activities will top $4 trillion, projects the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a nonprofit trade association for the firearm industry.
Ruger SR9 9mm
We'd pay extra for refining the trigger and adding paddle-style thumb safeties.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2007
The 'Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2007' (HR 4900) legislation represents a major advance in protecting the rights of firearms dealers.
Arizona G&FC Meeting Discusses Spent Ammo
Ron Sieg, Flagstaff Regional Supervisor, will present issues associated with lead from spent ammunition.
Pink Personal Protection Power
Charter Arms has introduced its new 'The Pink Lady' revolver in .38 Special +P caliber.Evolved from Charter Arms' popular compact Undercover Series, The Pink Lady weighs 12 ounces thanks to an 7075 aircraft aluminum frame, and it's anodized bight pink.
Colt Melby Retires from S&W Board of Directors
Colt Melby has retired from the Smith & Wesson board of directors, effective January 8, 2008.