Gun Tests Test Inventory Available for Purchase: August 24, 2009
Houston-based B.A. Brooks Sports is a Federal Firearms License dealer who supplies firearms for Gun Tests evaluations. B.A. Brooks Sports sometimes has guns acquired for Gun Tests evaluation that readers might want to purchase. The following list describes those firearms and accessories.
Two Full-Size 9mms: Browning Hi-Power Loses to Bulky 90-Two
In our ongoing examination of todays 9mm handguns, we now take a look at two full-size autos. These are a recent entry from Beretta, the 90-Two, and one of the all-time classics, the Browning Hi-Power. While the latter is SA only and the other DA, both are big handguns, and the prospective gun buyer looking for a full-size nine might well want to consider comparing these two. We tested them with three types of ammunition, American Eagle 115-grain ball, Black Hills 147-grain ball, and the slightly hot Fiocchi 115-grain JHP. Here are our findings. Before we tried this handgun we changed its rather large grip for a slimmer one provided by Beretta ($21.50), following the excellent instructions in the owners manual. This reduced the largest grip circumference by about a quarter inch, which was significant and added greatly to the comfort of this large handgun. The magazine release could also be reversed. To call this a large handgun is an understatement. It was fully as large as a 1911, with more bulk above the hand as seen from the rear. Fully loaded it weighed nearly as much as a fully loaded 1911 (1.16 kg versus 1.19; 18 rounds versus 9.). The light rail in front of the trigger guard had a plastic cover that increased the bulky look. The grip angle was a good deal sharper than a 1911. Some would complain this gun points too low, but we didnt find that to be a problem. Two 17-round magazines came with the gun in its padded hard case. Also in the case was the instruction manual and the one-year warranty statement. Here are our findings.
FNH USA Offers Polymer Holster with FDE-Finish Pistol Purchase
McLEAN, Va. -- Shooters who purchase an FNP 9 or FNP 40 handgun with a flat dark earth (FDE) finish between Sept 1 and Nov 30, 2009, can receive a specially designed FN Shooter’s Pack with a Blade-Tech FDE molded polymer belt holster and a double magazine pouch.
Armed Protests Jeopardize the President, Public
In Arizona and several other states, it happens to be legal for people to purchase and carry these types of weapons without a permit. Gun-rights advocates say they are exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest; others who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.
Remington Issues 17 HMR Ammo Recall
Remington has been notified by its supplier of 17 HMR ammunition that 17 HMR ammunition is not suitable for use in semi-automatic firearms. The use of this ammunition in a semi-automatic firearm could result in property damage or serious personal injury.
Tokarev Polish TT-33 7.62x25mm
The Polish TT-33 had a crisp trigger pull, which broke at 5.3 pounds. Its sights consisted of a dovetailed, U-notched rear and a small, narrow blade at the front. The front blade appeared to be integral with the slide. Although the sight picture was more delicate than we’d have liked, it was superior to that of the Chinese gun, on which we had trouble getting a clear sight picture. We would have preferred a wider front blade and a wider rear notch for faster sight acquisition.
Quarterly Firearm and Ammunition Excise Taxes up 43%
The National Shooting Sports Foundation reports that according to the most recent Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Report released last week by the Department of the Treasury, firearm and ammunition manufacturers paid more than $109.8 million in the first calendar quarter of 2009; up 43% over the same time period reported in 2008.
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Earnings
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announced last week that for the second quarter of 2009, the Company reported net sales of $72.4 million and earnings of 46¢ per share, compared with sales of $38.7 million and earnings of 5¢ per share in the second quarter of 2008.
Beretta’s June Commercial Pistol Sales Up 219%
Beretta U.S.A. Corp. announced outstanding June sales results last week.
Will Taurus Stay in Florida? Georgia Makes a Run at Company
The Miami-Herald has reported that the state of Georgia is offering free land, new buildings, and tax abatements to convince firearms maker Taurus USA to leave Florida.
New York DAs Misinformed View of National Right to Carry
Robert M. Morgenthau, who has served as district attorney for New York county since 1975, wrote the Wall Street Journal prior to last week’s failed attempt to pass a national-right-to-carry bill in the Senate. It failed by two votes. We reprint Morgenthau’s comments in whole to show how elected officials twist and misrepresent the facts on concealed-carry laws to restrict gunowner’s rights.
NICS Checks Up 18.1 Percent in June
Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 968,145 checks in June 2009, up 18.1 percent from the 819,891 reported in June 2008.