Sturm Ruger Announces Repurchase of 1.1 Million Shares of Its Common Stock
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR), has announced that during the third quarter of 2008 it repurchased 1.1 million shares of its common stock, representing 5.5% of the total shares outstanding at the start of the repurchase program, for $7.4 million in the open market.
NRA, New Orleans to settle Katrina lawsuit
NEW ORLEANS — City officials have agreed to return hundreds of firearms that police officers confiscated in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, part of a deal to resolve a lawsuit filed by gun lobbying groups.
Obama Campaign Unlawfully Misuses Proprietary Media List Says NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has accused the Obama campaign in Indiana of unlawfully obtaining and making unauthorized use of a proprietary media list belonging to the trade association.
USAMU Soldiers Win Shooting Matches
Soldiers of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit have scored some major victories recently. The following results are some of their accomplishments:
SAF Files Amicus Brief in Nordyke Case Seeking 2nd Amendment Incorporation
Arguing that the Supreme Court opened the door toward incorporation of the Second Amendment in its landmark ruling in the Heller case, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has filed an amicus brief in the long-running case of Nordyke v. King, a challenge to the gun-show ban in California's Alameda County.
U.S. Army Marksmanship Shooters to Compete in Bali
Four soldiers of the U.S. Army MarksmanshipUnit will represent the USA at the International Practical ShootingConfederation World Shoot XV to be held in Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 19through Nov. 2.
Gun Shows Do Not Increase Homicides or Suicides
A new study finds no evidence that gun shows lead to substantial increases in either gun-related homicides or suicides.
When Obama Wrestles with Heller
November’s presidential election won’t just determine who will reside in the White House for the next four years—it could also determine the future impact of the recent Supreme Court Heller decision on your Second Amendment rights.
Ruger Names Two New Distributors
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. has added two new distributors--W. L. Baumler Co. of Loraine, Ohio, and Zanders Sporting Goods of Baldwin, Illinois-- to the list of authorized Ruger distributors.
Missing Gun Law in Baltimore Takes Effect Nov. 11
A new Baltimore law requires gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons. The law, which takes effect Nov. 11, requires gun owners to alert police within two days of noticing their weapon is missing.
ISRA Snags CCRKBA’s 2008 Affiliate of the Year Award
The Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has recognized the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) as CCRKBA's 2008 Affiliate of the Year.
Federal Weapons Arrests On The Rise
Weapons arrests were one of three fastest-growing categories of federal suspects arrested and booked by the U.S. Marshals in 2005, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced September 30.