Soccer Mom Carries Openly, Gets Concealed License Revoked
What’s the difference between a bulldog and a soccer mom?In the case of Meleanie Hain, it’s a loaded sidearm.
Illinois State Rifle Association Urges Hunters and Sportsmen to Oppose Constitutional Convention
The Illinois State Rifle Association is urging state hunters, sportsmen and gun owners to vote 'no' in November on a ballot initiative to hold a state constitutional convention. The ISRA believes that holding a constitutional convention would open the door to significant changes in the state constitution and thus imperil the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
Mixed Bag in Self Defense: Partner Handguns Fight It Out
We recently read The Book of Two Guns, The Martial Art of The 1911 and AR Carbine, by Tiger McKee. McKee is the proprietor and headmaster of the Shootrite Firearms Academy ( located in Langston, Alabama. Printed in long hand with illustrations, McKee instructs and inspires the reader to consider what skills are necessary to effectively use the handgun and rifle weapon interdependently, as well as in transition from one to the other.With the two-gun concept in mind, we decided to go ahead with a story weve been considering for some time-evaluating two pairs of handguns that could also be used to work effectively in tandem, in this case, two revolvers against two pistols.In each pair, we picked one gun that was larger and better suited for primary carry, be it for duty or concealment. The other was significantly smaller and meant to be hidden in case of emergency. Each pair belonged to the same system, or as close as we could supply.For primary carry we chose two 45-caliber weapons, Rugers $836 Redhawk 45 Colt Model KRH454 and Springfield Armorys $785 Mil-Spec Full Size Stainless 1911A1. Paired with the Ruger revolver was the $450 32 H&R Magnum Smith & Wesson Airweight J-frame Model 431PD. To run with the Springfield, we added a $699 9mm Walther PPS semi-automatic, which was light weight and super slim.We could have selected any number of pairs of handguns to fill out our test roster. It is interesting to note that our four guns are each chambered for a different caliber. Certainly when it comes to a primary gun there is more leeway in choice. But when it comes to deep concealment larger calibers demand bigger, stronger and heavier frames. Bigger bullets can also limit capacity. Therefore we felt that system and size was more important than matching caliber.Our test ammunition was as follows. The 45 ACP was represented by Magtech 230-grain FMC, Hornady 185-grain JHP/XTC, and Black Hills 230-grain JHP+P ammunition. The 45 Colt test rounds for the Ruger were Winchester 225-grain Silvertip HP, Federal Champion 225-grain semi-Wadcutter hollowpoints, and Black Hills 250-grain roundnosed flat points. The 9mm ammunition was 125-grain HAP rounds from Atlanta Arms and Ammunition, Black Hills 124-grain full metal jacketed rounds, and Federals 105-grain Expanding FMJ ammunition. For the 32 H&R Magnum ammunition we chose Federal Personal Defense 85-grain JHPs, Federal Classic 95-grain lead semi-wadcutters, and Black Hills 85-grain JHP rounds.
Mixed Bag in Self Defense: Partner Handguns Fight It Out
We recently read The Book of Two Guns, The Martial Art of The 1911 and AR Carbine, by Tiger McKee. McKee is the proprietor and headmaster of the Shootrite Firearms Academy ( located in Langston, Alabama. Printed in long hand with illustrations, McKee instructs and inspires the reader to consider what skills are necessary to effectively use the handgun and rifle weapon interdependently, as well as in transition from one to the other.With the two-gun concept in mind, we decided to go ahead with a story weve been considering for some time-evaluating two pairs of handguns that could also be used to work effectively in tandem, in this case, two revolvers against two pistols.In each pair, we picked one gun that was larger and better suited for primary carry, be it for duty or concealment. The other was significantly smaller and meant to be hidden in case of emergency. Each pair belonged to the same system, or as close as we could supply.For primary carry we chose two 45-caliber weapons, Rugers $836 Redhawk 45 Colt Model KRH454 and Springfield Armorys $785 Mil-Spec Full Size Stainless 1911A1. Paired with the Ruger revolver was the $450 32 H&R Magnum Smith & Wesson Airweight J-frame Model 431PD. To run with the Springfield, we added a $699 9mm Walther PPS semi-automatic, which was light weight and super slim.We could have selected any number of pairs of handguns to fill out our test roster. It is interesting to note that our four guns are each chambered for a different caliber. Certainly when it comes to a primary gun there is more leeway in choice. But when it comes to deep concealment larger calibers demand bigger, stronger and heavier frames. Bigger bullets can also limit capacity. Therefore we felt that system and size was more important than matching caliber.Our test ammunition was as follows. The 45 ACP was represented by Magtech 230-grain FMC, Hornady 185-grain JHP/XTC, and Black Hills 230-grain JHP+P ammunition. The 45 Colt test rounds for the Ruger were Winchester 225-grain Silvertip HP, Federal Champion 225-grain semi-Wadcutter hollowpoints, and Black Hills 250-grain roundnosed flat points. The 9mm ammunition was 125-grain HAP rounds from Atlanta Arms and Ammunition, Black Hills 124-grain full metal jacketed rounds, and Federals 105-grain Expanding FMJ ammunition. For the 32 H&R Magnum ammunition we chose Federal Personal Defense 85-grain JHPs, Federal Classic 95-grain lead semi-wadcutters, and Black Hills 85-grain JHP rounds.
FBI Releases 2007 Crime Statistics
Statistics released last week by the FBI show that the estimated volume of violent crime was down 0.7 percent, and the estimated volume of property crime decreased 1.4 percent in 2007 when compared with 2006 figures.
Tilley, Jones Win USPSA Open Crowns
Chris Tilley of Raleigh, North Carolina held off defending champ Max Michel by more than 24 points to take 2008 Open National Championship, capping off a week of competition in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the U.S. Practical Shooting Association’s National Handgun Championships.
New Emergency Legislation Amends Districts Gun Law
Trying to head off a national takeover by Congress of the city’s powers to control guns in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment ruling, the Washington, D.C., City Council has adopted a new and narrower law to restrict possession of handguns.
D.C. Second Amendment Enforcement Act Passes House
The U.S. House of Representatives voted last week to approve the 'Second Amendment Enforcement Act' 266-152. The Act, passed as an amendment to H.R. 6842, will overturn the District of Columbia's gun-control restrictions that defy the recent Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller.
Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down Public Parks Gun Ban
Last week the Ohio Supreme Court struck down a Clyde city law that banned people from carrying concealed guns in public parks.
Female Firearm Trafficker Sentenced to 4 Years
U.S. District Judge John R. Adams sentenced Antrinna Collins of Cleveland, to 48 months imprisonment for violations of federal firearms laws.
H.R. 6842 Would Compel District of Columbia to Comply with Heller
H.R. 6842, which would compel the District of Columbia to comply with the Heller decision, has been reported out of committee for a floor vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Taurus Acquires Rossi Firearms
Forjas Taurus S.A. announced September 9 its acquisition of the manufacturing and distribution rights of all Rossi products, including the famous Model 92 lever-action rifle from Rossi Firearms S.A.