Shopping for the Heckler & Koch USP Compact Tactical USP45CT 45 ACP
Arkansas couple files negligence suit against Smith & Wesson
Todd and Kathy Brown of Rosston, Arkansas, are suing Smith & Wesson in federal court in Texarkana, Texas, alleging negligence by the gun manufacturer that led to a Dec. 27, 2007, accident in which Todd Brown’s left thumb was severed.
D.C. Residents Able to Buy Handguns Sept. 9
WASHINGTON, D.C. - District residents will be able to buy handguns starting Sept. 9, according to a report by WTOP radio in Washington, D.C.
PA Man Fends off Attempted Robbery With Concealed Carry Pistol
A report in the Pocono Record newspaper said an attempted robbery in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, went bad for the alleged robber.
Firearms Industry Congratulates Palin on Nomination; Urges Sportsmen to Register to Vote
NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – the trade association for the firearms industry – congratulated Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on accepting the Republican nomination for vice president of the United States. The industry's association also reminded all hunters, sportsmen and gun-owners to register to vote and secure an absentee ballot if they plan on being in the field on Election Day, Nov. 4.
No Surprise: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Endorses Biden
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence praised Sen. Barack Obama's choice for vice presidential running mate, Sen. Joe Biden.
Palin’s Statement on Heller Re: Gun Ownership Rights
From a statement by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on the Supreme Court's decision on DC vs. Heller, June 26, 2008:
Pistols 2008
Second Amendment Foundation sets Gun Rights Policy Conference
National gun-rights leaders and grassroots activists will headline at the 23rd Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2008) in Phoenix, Arizona, September 26-28.
Beretta USA Px4 Storm Pistols Available
Quantities of the long-awaited Px4 Storm pistol have begun appearing in retail stores. The Px4 Storm is a 13+1 9mm compact w/Picatinny rail and matte-black finish. It has a locked breech with rotating barrel system, technopolymer-reinforced fiberglass frame, weighs 26.1 oz.
USPSA Handgun Nationals Set for Sep 6-13 in Tulsa
Uberti announces limited-edition 1873 Cattleman sets
Uberti has announced the availability of limited-edition 1873 Uberti Cattleman two-gun sets. The matching single actions are available in four different versions.