Savage 110 Pistol Chassis System 57797 6.5 Creedmoor
The Savage Model 110 was first patented almost 60 years ago, and the Savage 110 Pistol is not the first Savage firearm to be mated to a Modular Driven Technology (MDT) chassis.
New Shooter’s Guide: The Best Gun For Home Defense Isn’t a Handgun, Here’s Why
We have many choices for home defense. The widest choice is in handguns. There are single-action, double-action-to-single-action, and double-action-only self-loaders and also revolvers. Glock...
Springfield Armory Emissary PX9220L 45 ACP
This is a pricey pistol but a very good one. The handle is nicely designed for maximum adhesion and abrasion. The sights are among the best personal-defense sights we have tested, bar none. The trigger action is the best of the test. The Emissary is a modern 1911 with unique features.
Springfield Armory Loaded Operator PX9105LL18 45 ACP
Reliable. This is a pistol well suited to tactical use. The finish is easily the most durable of the pistols tested. Pricey, but a very good example of the 1911. The trigger is the heaviest of the test, but smooth. The Operator’s three-dot sights and hand-filling grips added up to good accuracy potential.
Springfield Armory Garrison PX9420 45 ACP
Reliable and well suited to personal defense. Good sights, a good trigger, and feeds with reliability. We didn’t like the slim grips, but they are easily changed to something you prefer. The Garrison uses a standard barrel bushing and recoil-spring lockup. This is a lot of gun for the dollar.
Smith & Wesson Model 66 10061 357 Magnum
The Model 66 Combat Magnum was introduced in 1971 and produced until 2005, when it was discontinued. It went through seven design changes during that time.
Rock Island Armory AL3.1 3520S 357 Magnum
Our expectations were high for the Czech-made AL3.1, having tested the AL3.0 in the May 2020 issue. The matte-stainless finish was okay.
Ruger GP100 Model 1790 357 Magnum
Ruger and Talo Distributors teamed up to create this variant of the GP100, which features a 2.5-inch barrel, compact grip, green fiber-optic front sight, and adjustable rear sight. In hand, this GP100 weighs in at 36 ounces unloaded.
Mossberg MC2c 89031 9mm Luger
The Mossberg MC2c starts off with a slide just over 0.9 inch wide by our measurement. It has a flat top and beveled upper edges. The nose has been rounded for easy insertion into a holster.
Colt King Cobra Target Model KCOBRA-SB4TS 38 Special/357 Magnum
One of the newer members of Colt’s snake-gun line is the King Cobra Target. We reviewed the King Cobra in 2020 and thought it was a good option for EDC, giving it an A rating. The
Ruger Security-Six 38 Special/357 Magnum
The Security-Six debuted in 1972 and was Ruger’s first DA/SA revolver. It spawned a number of models, including the Service-Six and Speed-Six. About 1.5 million Security-Six models were built and used by various LE agencies
Rossi Rimfire Rifle RS22L1811-TH 22 LR
A couple of years ago, it wasn’t unusual to see the RS22 for sale for $110, and we think the record for low price was $99. With supply coming back, we think you will be able to find this rifle for $139 or so, as one of our raters recently did.