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SAAMI Accepts 30 Super Carry As New Standardized Cartridge

NEWTOWN, Conn. – The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute,® Inc., (SAAMI®) has announced the acceptance of a new pistol cartridge for SAAMI standardization. 30 Super...

Smith & Wesson M&P 30 Super Carry Shield EZ 13458

We paid $431 for the 30 Super Carry pistol. Many paid more than $500 for the first few to hit dealer shelves. This pistol seems identical to the 9mm EZ in every dimension.

Smith & Wesson M&P9 Shield EZ M2.0 12436 9mm Luger

On average, the 9mm EZ guns are more expensive than the 380 ACP pistol. The 9mm Shield EZ is slightly larger and heavier than the 380 ACP version.

Shield M&P 380 Shield EZ 180023 380 ACP

Recoil is a concern for some shooters, so this Smith & Wesson Shield EZ is a 380 ACP pistol large enough to be a joy to fire.

Colt MK V Peacekeeper 357 Magnum

We located this 6-inch-barrel Peacekeeper in a pawn shop. The revolver shows very little wear and seems in good condition. The Colt MK V was introduced in 1986 as an improvement over the Colt MK III Trooper series.

Ruger GP100 No. 1707 357 Magnum

We purchased this revolver a year ago in anticipation of accumulating four revolvers for testing.

Colt Python PYTHON-SP6WTS 357 Magnum

The 42-ounce heavy underlugged Python is a distinctive revolver. The stainless-steel finish is good, without any flaw. The cut of the cylinder and ejector rod differs from the original in a pleasant modern fashion.

Smith & Wesson Pro Series 686 Plus 178038 357 Magnum

In several particulars, this handgun is an anomaly among the revolvers tested. First, it is a seven-shooter.

Glock Model 19 Gen4 9mm Luger

We started this project with the help of a gun owner who wanted to build his own Roland Special. The base gun cost $700, so the upgrades are obviously multiples of the retail price of a Glock 19.

Springfield Armory Hellcat RDP HC9389BTOSPWASP 9mm Luger

You only thought Roland Specials were only full or compact guns? Think again. The Hellcat RDP is subcompact version direct from the factory.

Stoeger STR-9S Combat 31736 9mm Luger

The MSRP of a base-model STR-9 pistol (31720) has recently been $329. The STR-9S Combat’s MSRP is $599.

Ruger Bearcat Shopkeeper Model 0915 22 LR

The Bearcat was introduced in 1958 and quickly soared in popularity. The revolver’s small size is great for campers, hikers, and fisherman who might need to deal with a cottonmouth.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...