Ruger SR1911: No. 6722, 9mm Luger
Gun Tests Grade: A (Our Pick)$775This model of the Ruger SR1911 is the most expensive compared to other pistols we tested. As such, we...
Citadel M1911A1-CS CIT9MMCSP 9mm Luger
Gun Tests Grade: B (BEST BUY)$479The Citadel 9mm is a 1911 type that operates in the same manner as the Ruger and the Tisas...
Traditions 1873 Rawhide Rancher PVC SAT73-22250 22 LR
Gun Tests Grade: A-
When we first looked at Tradition’s 22 revolvers, we discovered the previous 22 single-action was discontinued in favor of the version...
Smith & Wesson SW1911 Pro Series 178020
Gun Tests Grade: A-
Our Smith & Wesson Pro Series uses a black finish on a stainless-steel slide, but the frame is scandium. The three-dot...
SIG Sauer Ultra Compact W1911U-45-BSS 45 ACP
Gun Tests grade: A (Our pick)
A number of years ago, we saw SIG Sauer jump into the 1911 market in a big way. Numerous...
Heritage Rough Rider RR22MB6 Combo 22 LR/22 WMR
Gun Tests Grade: A (Best Buy)
This Rough Rider is readily available at many outlets, usually the 45⁄8-inch-barrel version with only the 22 LR cylinder....
Ruger Wrangler No. 2004 22 LR
Gun Tests Grade: A-
The Wrangler revolver illustrated is one of three cerakote finishes available. We tested the No. 2003 version in the June 2020...
Chiappa 1873 No. 340.250 22 LR
Gun Tests Grade: C$185The Chiappa single-action revolver features a 10-shot cylinder. It is larger than two of the other revolvers tested because the Chiappa...
Ruger SR1911 Officer Stainless 06762
Gun Tests Grade: B$979Well known (and justifiably so) for their 10/22s, single-action pistols, and 22 autos, as well as their centerfire rifles, Ruger got...
Colt Defender Lightweight Stainless O7000XE
Gun Tests Grade: B+$999Colt debuted the original “Colt Officer’s ACP” in 1985. This first version was all steel. A lightweight, aluminum-framed version hit the...
Smith & Wesson Model 351 PD 160228 22 WMR
Gun Tests Grade: A
In our opinion, the Smith & Wesson Model 351 PD is highest on this 22 WMR revolver food chain. It offers...
Taurus Model 942 2-942M029 22 WMR
Gun Tests Grade: B
The 942 is built on Taurus’s small revolver frame, similar to a S&W J-frame. Metal work was excellent, and the matte-stainless...