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Glock Model 44 11921822 22 LR

GUN TESTS GRADE: A- $359 Our sample G44 arrived in the typical Glock hard case with two magazines, small screwdriver, cleaning rod and wire bore brush,...

Walther P-38 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: A $800 to $1200 The Walther P38 is the most modern design of the pistols tested, a tremendously influential handgun. In most particulars,...

FN Browning Hi-Power 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: B- $1200 Browning recently discontinued the Hi-Power as a cataloged item. The only remaining Hi-Power still in production is a Turkish clone. The...

German Luger P-08 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: D $995 For many years, the word Luger has conjured up visions of the best made, best fitted and best finished of all...

Polish Radom Vis 35 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: B- $995 We gauged the price of the Radom by looking over several of the larger websites and assessing our pistol’s condition against...

Colt Government Model MK IV Series 80 380 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A- $400 We have tested this handgun only twice, in the November 1989 and November 1991 issues, the second time as a new...

CZ-USA Shadow 2 91255 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: A $1119 This was a recent price at OakHillGuns.com. The CZ Shadow 2 is a competition-ready variant of the legendary and iconic DA/SA...

Lone Wolf Distributors TWF-F Lower/G34 Upper 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: A $1098 There are numerous Glock aftermarket manufacturers making parts to modify Glock pistols, and Lone Wolf Distributors has been in the business...

Colt Mfg. Co. Gold Cup Trophy O5072XE 9mm Luger

GUN TESTS GRADE: A- $1581 This was a recent price at BudsGunShop.com. The Gold Cup Trophy is a full-size 1911 with a 5-inch barrel that is...

Glock 42 UI4250201 380 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A- (BEST BUY) $360 This pistol is part of Glock’s current catalog. We tested the Glock 42 in the November 2014 issue. At...

Ruger LCP II No. 3792 380 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: B $300 This is our first test of the LCP II in 380 ACP. We have tested the pistol in its 22 LR...

What About Henry’s AR-7 Rifle?

Re “Go-Bag Rimfire Rifles from Savage, Ruger, and KelTec,” September 2020 Hi, I’m a longtime subscriber and want to thank you for doing such great...

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...