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Success with the Legend Round

Re “350 Legend Bolt-Actions from Winchester, Savage, and Ruger,” July 2020 I purchased a Ruger American Ranch Rifle in 350 Legend and used it last...

Devil Dog Arms 4.25 Standard DDA-425-BO45 45 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A- $1,150 This is a recent price at DevilDogArms.com. The Devil Dog Commander 45 is a distinctive handgun. The pistol is manufactured with...

Guncrafter Industries Commander GCI-COMM-RAIL-45-FCB-FCSS-AMBI 45 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A (OUR PICK) $3,285 This is sometimes called the Gun With No Name, as there are no slide markings. We really like the...

Springfield Armory Loaded Operator PX9105LL 45 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A (BEST BUY) $1,162 This was a recent price at TombstoneTactical.com. When ordering this handgun, a letter makes a difference. The ML pistol...

Nighthawk Custom Falcon 45 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A $3,699 This was a recent ordering price direct from NighthawkCustom.com. The Falcon is a 5-inch-barrel Government Model-type 1911 without a frame rail....

Dan Wesson 1911 Heritage RZ-45 01981 45 ACP

GUN TESTS GRADE: A- $1,227 This was a recent price at BudsGunShop.com, but the SKU is showing out of stock as we went to press. The...

Uberti Cattleman 22 356186 22 LR

GUN TESTS GRADE: A$453This was also a recent pre-Covid price at BudsGunShop.com. The Cattleman 22 is a traditionally styled revolver with all the heft...

Cimarron Plinkerton ASPLINK1 22 LR

GUN TESTS GRADE: B$172This was a pre-shutdown price at BudsGunShop.com. The Cimarron Plinkerton is inexpensive and looked it. This model is actually discontinued by...

Smith & Wesson M&P22 Compact 22 LR

GUN TESTS GRADE: A (OUR PICK)$286The barrel is fixed. We liked the takedown; twist a lever and pull the slide back and up. The...

Ruger Wrangler 2003 22 LR

GUN TESTS GRADE: A$210This was also a BudsGunShop.com price prior to the lockdowns. We think old man Ruger would have been delighted with the...

Cowboy Plinker Shoot Out: Cimarron, Ruger, and Uberti

If we were to put together a list of top plinking pistols, we would have to put single-action rimfires at the top of that...

Testing New Rimfire Pistols from Glock, S&W, and Ruger

Within the past few months, two major firearms makers, Glock and Ruger, introduced 22 rimfire versions of popular centerfire handguns. Already in the smallbore...

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...