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‘Sandlew3’ Wins Insight Technology M6X Laser/Illuminator

'Sandlew3' Wins Insight Technology M6X Laser/Illuminator in the GunReports.com survey: Be sure to register for our free weekly eReport to keep up with the latest gun news, reviews, and future drawings.

22 LR Semiauto Shootout: ISSC, SIG Sauer, and Walther

As ammo prices continue to rise and availability remains spotty, more and more firearm enthusiasts are looking for less costly ways to extend their time on the shooting range. A natural solution is the 22 rimfire cartridge. Besides its cheaper price and greater availability, the recoil-friendly round makes it an excellent choice for those who are new to firearms. It's also a good choice as a training round for experienced shooters looking to refine their technique.

Some manufacturers have begun to recognize this trend, and have begun manufacturing models designed to meet this new demand. We recently evaluated three AR-style rifles chambered in 22 LR in the February 2010 Issue. This month we decided to look at three semiautomatic pistols which could function as low-cost shooting trainers.

One model, the single-action-only ISSC M22, $400, has been specifically marketed as a training gun. Our other two models for this evaluation were double action/single models: the full-size SIG Mosquito ($390) and the smaller-framed but ample Walther P22 ($400). All three models shared some common features: blowback operated, ambidextrous safety levers, adjustable sights, and magazine disconnects. All three also had internal key-activated safeties. The P22 and M22 had one other thing in common—the same inventor, Austrian designer Wolfram Kriegleder—who designed the P22 for Walther, then later collaborated with ISSC on the M22.

We began our testing expecting it to be a straightforward affair; instead, we had one of the more difficult evaluations we've had in some time. You don't see out-of-battery ignitions very often.

Wild Bunch Pistols: Colt 1918 Leads The Pack, But At A Price!

While it seems as if the 1911 self-loader lords over most competition courses, there are certain games in which the 1911 is prohibited. There are revolver-only matches and long-range matches in which the 1911 is not a player. Among the greatest games going is Cowboy Action. Cowboy Action Shooting gets the old guns of the West and their modern replicas burning powder again. This is a great chance for lots of fun and an opportunity to meet some nice folks with an interest in shooting. The game is challenging, and there is a set of rules that dictates what you may use. As an example, the traditional revolver class includes original Colt Single Action Army revolvers and replicas such as the Ruger Vaquero. The modern class makes allowances for adjustable-sight single-action revolvers such as the Ruger Blackhawk. There is always a lively debate as to the relative merits of each firearm, but it is pretty obvious in competition which holds up the best.A widely popular new match prompted us to our latest shooting review. The Single Action Shooting Society published rules for a special "side match," or a special match in addition to regular competition. (We almost said entertainment. Cowboy shooting is competition if you are shooting, and entertainment if you are watching.) This match is called the Wild Bunch match. You may have guessed that this match is in deference to the wildly popular Sam Peckinpah western, The Wild Bunch. The movie is set in time just after the introduction of the Colt 1911, and much of the action takes place in revolutionary Mexico. The 1911 Colt is very much in evidence in this movie.Interested competitors contacted Gun Tests with a request to test several of the likely 1911 45 automatics to rate which of the pistols may be the best buy for such competition. A common thread among SASS members is sticker shock. They ask why one 1911 costs so much more than the others. They also wish to nail down the models suitable for the Wild Bunch shoots. Since SASS competitors tend to fire lots of ammunition in mastering their handguns, longevity is an issue.There are two classes set forth for 1911 handguns, which roughly correlate to the traditional and modern single-action class. While the 1911 in original form was in use in the Wild Bunch days, we think that the modern class is fair because quite a few SASS members probably already own such a handgun, and interested shooters from other disciplines may jump in. Knowing these men and women as we do, it is an even bet that a diehard SASS member will opt for a handgun as close to the original as possible.We dont think that obtaining an original-period Colt 1911 is the best route. They are expensive, with even a beater or shooter grade beginning at $1000. The pistols were of softer steel than we use today, and commonsense tells us a shooter pistol from the era is probably well worn.There is a wide choice in 1911 handguns suitable for CAS, so we split the test program into two categories, traditional and modern 1911 types. We leaned more heavily toward the traditional type and tested five examples in this category this month and three popular pistols in the modern type next month. Some we have tested before, but we began fresh with new loads and new criteria. Some of the handguns had been tested with modern jacketed ammunition, but since SASS rules demand lead bullets at less than 1000 fps, the rules were different. Personal defense was not a consideration, and neither was jacketed hollowpoint bullet performance. Since SASS rules specify a 5-inch barrel Government Model handgun, no Commander, short-barrel or aluminum-frame handguns were tested.Our five traditional GI-type handguns came from Springfield Armory, High Standard, and Colt. Prices ranged from $500 to $1000, a fairly large spread. In fairness we could not eliminate the high-priced Colt for reasons we will enumerate. The Springfield pistols included the GI Model, a stainless GI, and the Mil-Spec. The High Standard pistol is the 1911A1, and the Colt, the 1918 Black Army.As many of you are aware, the pistols in use in the Wild Bunch era were 1911s, not 1911A1 pistols. After World War I, the Army instigated an improvement program that led to the 1911A1. All 1911 handguns today are 1911A1 types, although we call them 1911s. Even the Colt Black Army, for all intents and purposes a 1911 in appearance, is a 1911A1 under the skin. More about that later.Heres a partial verdict up front-none of these pistols gave any hint of being a Dont Buy. All seem well made, and each is accurate enough for the intended task. For a more detailed examination, read on.

Wild Bunch Pistols: Colt 1918 Leads The Pack, But At A Price!

While it seems as if the 1911 self-loader lords over most competition courses, there are certain games in which the 1911 is prohibited. There are revolver-only matches and long-range matches in which the 1911 is not a player. Among the greatest games going is Cowboy Action. Cowboy Action Shooting gets the old guns of the West and their modern replicas burning powder again. This is a great chance for lots of fun and an opportunity to meet some nice folks with an interest in shooting. The game is challenging, and there is a set of rules that dictates what you may use. As an example, the traditional revolver class includes original Colt Single Action Army revolvers and replicas such as the Ruger Vaquero. The modern class makes allowances for adjustable-sight single-action revolvers such as the Ruger Blackhawk. There is always a lively debate as to the relative merits of each firearm, but it is pretty obvious in competition which holds up the best.A widely popular new match prompted us to our latest shooting review. The Single Action Shooting Society published rules for a special "side match," or a special match in addition to regular competition. (We almost said entertainment. Cowboy shooting is competition if you are shooting, and entertainment if you are watching.) This match is called the Wild Bunch match. You may have guessed that this match is in deference to the wildly popular Sam Peckinpah western, The Wild Bunch. The movie is set in time just after the introduction of the Colt 1911, and much of the action takes place in revolutionary Mexico. The 1911 Colt is very much in evidence in this movie.Interested competitors contacted Gun Tests with a request to test several of the likely 1911 45 automatics to rate which of the pistols may be the best buy for such competition. A common thread among SASS members is sticker shock. They ask why one 1911 costs so much more than the others. They also wish to nail down the models suitable for the Wild Bunch shoots. Since SASS competitors tend to fire lots of ammunition in mastering their handguns, longevity is an issue.There are two classes set forth for 1911 handguns, which roughly correlate to the traditional and modern single-action class. While the 1911 in original form was in use in the Wild Bunch days, we think that the modern class is fair because quite a few SASS members probably already own such a handgun, and interested shooters from other disciplines may jump in. Knowing these men and women as we do, it is an even bet that a diehard SASS member will opt for a handgun as close to the original as possible.We dont think that obtaining an original-period Colt 1911 is the best route. They are expensive, with even a beater or shooter grade beginning at $1000. The pistols were of softer steel than we use today, and commonsense tells us a shooter pistol from the era is probably well worn.There is a wide choice in 1911 handguns suitable for CAS, so we split the test program into two categories, traditional and modern 1911 types. We leaned more heavily toward the traditional type and tested five examples in this category this month and three popular pistols in the modern type next month. Some we have tested before, but we began fresh with new loads and new criteria. Some of the handguns had been tested with modern jacketed ammunition, but since SASS rules demand lead bullets at less than 1000 fps, the rules were different. Personal defense was not a consideration, and neither was jacketed hollowpoint bullet performance. Since SASS rules specify a 5-inch barrel Government Model handgun, no Commander, short-barrel or aluminum-frame handguns were tested.Our five traditional GI-type handguns came from Springfield Armory, High Standard, and Colt. Prices ranged from $500 to $1000, a fairly large spread. In fairness we could not eliminate the high-priced Colt for reasons we will enumerate. The Springfield pistols included the GI Model, a stainless GI, and the Mil-Spec. The High Standard pistol is the 1911A1, and the Colt, the 1918 Black Army.As many of you are aware, the pistols in use in the Wild Bunch era were 1911s, not 1911A1 pistols. After World War I, the Army instigated an improvement program that led to the 1911A1. All 1911 handguns today are 1911A1 types, although we call them 1911s. Even the Colt Black Army, for all intents and purposes a 1911 in appearance, is a 1911A1 under the skin. More about that later.Heres a partial verdict up front-none of these pistols gave any hint of being a Dont Buy. All seem well made, and each is accurate enough for the intended task. For a more detailed examination, read on.

Check Out GunReports.com Videos!

GunReports.com rolls out several videos on new product introductions at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas: Included are reviews of 22 Rimfires in Tactical Platforms (4:00), Beretta U22 Neo 22 pistol/carbine combo (0:53 secs), FN Report (3:02 mins), Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 and Bodyguard 38 Special (2:08) w/integral Insite laser, and Steyr AUG A3 bullpup 223 (1:16).

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Please Vote For Concealed Carry At ProCon Website

A website purporting to explore the topic of concealed carry allows gunowners to register a ‘pro’ vote in favor of concealed carry.

Fort Hood Police Heroes Honored by Gun Saint Society

Fort Hood Texas police Sgts. Mark Todd and Kimberly Munley wore St. Gabriel Possenti Society (www.gunsaint.com) honor medallions presented by Society Founder-Chairman John M. Snyder of Telum Associates at the American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville, Florida.

Insight Technology Inc., Tech-Gear M6X Laser/Illuminator: An Enlightening Experience

While we agree that lasers are no substitute for proper shooting techniques, we also believe that they can be a valuable tool in low light confrontations. Their continued popularity among our Law Enforcement and Military communities is also a testament to their effectiveness.

Kel-Tec P32 32 ACP

The gun is ultra lightweight at 9 ounces. The grip is Du Pont ST-8018 plastic, and compared to the Beretta or the Walther, it seems like you could step on the P32 and break it. In reality it is not that easy.The Kel-Tec P32 is by far one of the lightest, smallest, easiest to conceal and operate handguns out there.

Bloomberg to Obama: Get Going on Taking Guns Away

(GunReports.com)--Mayor Bloomberg urges President Obama to adopt dozens of gun registration and confiscation measures using executive power and bypassing Congress.

Taurus Rolls Out 24/7 G2 Series

(GunReports.com)--The new Taurus 24/7 G2 semi-auto pistol series combines features from the Taurus 800 Series, 24/7 Series and 24/7 OSS™ lineup.

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...