
Galco Introduces KingTuk IWB holster for Springfield Armory’s XD-S

Galco Gunleather has introduced a KingTuk tuckable IWB holster for Springfield Armory’s XD-S pistols.

Walther P22 No. WAP22003 22 LR, $379 (2012)

We tested two 22 LR handguns in an April 2012 showdown of plinking pistols. They were the Walther P22 Model WAP22003 22 LR, $379; and the Ruger SR22PB Model 03600, $399. Heres an excerpt of that report.

In a February 2006 test of four handguns, our Idaho staff called the Walther P22 22 LR No. WAP22003, $301, an Our Pick. The test team said, We liked this little .22 pistol immensely. It was completely reliable in our limited shooting, and shot very well, with many five-shot groups going around an inch at 15 yards. The impact could be fine-tuned as necessary by changing the front sight. The windage was slick and handy, we found, and adjusted with relative ease.… We think anyone in need of a fine little .22 pistol that works every time and doesnt bust the bank need look no farther than the short-barrel P22. We thought it was an ideal fun gun, one wed take in the backpack and not even know its there. Then, in the May 2010 issue, we wrote, Our Team Said: The unanimous decision was that the P22 was the top performer in our tests.… This is a difficult trick to manage for any handgun, because differing ammo selections, test conditions, individual pistol variations, and matchups can magnify the flaws found in any product, making it hard to get a top grade again and again.

But when a gun does that well over time, it can serve as a benchmark against which to test newer products, which in this case is the Ruger SR22PB Model 03600, $399. Like the Walther P22 WAP22003, now $379, Rugers SR22 is full of angles and bumps and slots, but not so many serrations. The top of its anodized slide was smooth and semi-gloss, instead of the Walthers dead-flat black with longitudinal serrations. What would have impressed us mightily is if Ruger (or Walther) had attempted to copy the original Walther PPK for the 22LR, and brought it off nicely at a good sale price. No one makes that gun today, so far as we know. (If Ruger or Walther decided to do it, we suspect a great many fans of James Bond would buy the guns just for the fact that they look like the famous PPK. And if this hypothetical gun were far more accurate than either of these two test guns, wed beat a path to the makers door and buy one for ourselves.) But that veers off our current topic, which is pitting the two similar 22 autoloading pistols head to head.

We acquired a new Ruger and borrowed a locally owned, new-condition P22 for this test. We tested with five types of ammunition. These were CCI Green Tag Competition, Eleys Match EPS, CCI Mini Mag solids, Winchester Power Point HP, and Federal Classic High-Velocity. How does the new Ruger stack up against the Walther P22? Lets take a look feature by feature of the winning gun...

Gun Tests Inventory Guns Up for Auction

Three handguns recently tested in Gun Tests magazine are now listed for auction on GunBroker.com by the FFL owner, Winkle’s Great Guns of Houston, Texas.

History of the Swartz Safety

(GunReports.com) -- The October 2013 issue of Gun Tests magazine compares three 45 ACP Commander-size 1911 pistols from SIG Sauer, Kimber, and Ruger. Part of their differences are in the safeties, one of which is the Swartz design in the Kimber CDP II. This article from American Rifleman (January 1976) discusses the design in detail.

Springfield Armory Lightweight Champion Operator PX9115LP 45 ACP

We tested two Caracal 9mm handguns (which have since been recalled) against two 45 ACP handguns in a September 2012 showdown of self-defense pistols. The 45s were the Springfield Armory Lightweight Champion Operator PX9115LP 45 ACP, $1076, and the Dan Wesson ECO 01969 45 ACP, $1662. Here's an excerpt of that report.

Source of ‘pre-B’ CZ 75 Magazines

From Gun Tests reader Dan Brunger in the upcoming November 2013 issue:'Newer magazines do not fit my CZ 75. Could you tell me when the change occurred and how to tell the magazines apart other from physically trying them?'

Gun Tests Value Guide: 380 ACP Articles List

(GunReports.com) — To help a Gun Tests reader find 380 ACP pistols that he might like, the magazine's staff assembled a Value Guide of previously tested 380 ACP pistols and listed them on GunReports.com.

Kahr Delays Two Pistols

Kahr Arms has announced that shipping will be delayed on two pistols. From the company’s website: Due to the unprecedented demand on our entire line of American-made “C”-series products, the highly anticipated launch of the CW3833 and the CM4543 has been delayed until late fall.

Roberts Defense Debuts Customized 1911s

Roberts Defense is introducing a line of 1911 custom-built firearms chambered in .45 ACP, offering a multi-tiered selection for law enforcement, competitors and for personal and home-defense use.

Springfield Armory Custom Shop Professional .45 ACP

The Professional is a complete rebuild, including the installation of a match-grade barrel and complete refinishing. Other parts listed for installation include match hammer and sear, speed trigger, titanium firing pin with extra heavy firing pin spring, beavertail grip safety, ambidextrous thumb safety, low mount Novak rear sight with matching dovetail front sight, 3-dot tritium inserts, magwell, 20-lpi checkering on the front strap, checkered cocobolo grips, beveling of all external parts, deburr complete pistol internally, apply a "Black T" finish to the complete pistol and ship with six Metalform seven-round magazines tuned to the pistol.

Ruger LC9 Model 3200 9mm Para, $443

We tested three small 9mm concealable pistols in the November 2012 issue. Heres an excerpt about Rugers LC9.

Gun Tests October 2013 Look-Ahead: 9mm Pistols from Walther, Kriss Sphinx, and CZ USA

The Gun Tests Houston test team obtained three interesting 9mm polymer-frame handguns — the Walther PPX M1, the Kriss Sphinx SDP Compact, and the CZ USA CZ 75 P-07 Duty — and tested them in the October issue.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...