
New Videos Added to Gunreports.Com This Week

Here are new videos added to GunReports.com this week: Birchwood Casey's new splattering Pregame Targets offer shooters three new games for shooting alone or for some friendly competition with other shooters; Jerry Miculek puts a 19 rounds on target in under 3 seconds with an FAL; Brownells shows how to properly clean a Beretta 92.

Colt Mustang Pocketlite .380 Auto

The .380 cartridge has been around since early in the last century. It was another of John Browning’s designs, and has been known as the 9mm Kurz, 9x17, 9mm Browning Short, and .380 ACP. We also know it as the .380 Automatic, or simply the .380 Auto. It’s been chambered in a host of small autoloading pistols, some of them quite famous, such as Walther’s PPK.

The .380 is not a cartridge many of us would pick for all-around use. It’s hardly a plinking cartridge, because of the relatively high cost of ammunition, and because the pistols that chamber it are generally not all that accurate. Reloaders don’t exactly flock to the diminutive cartridge, for a variety of reasons. Ammunition manufacturers have produced some excellent fodder in recent years for the tiny guns, but none of it can make a mountain-size “stopper” out of the molehill .380 Auto.

Turnbull Announces NewTurnbull Commander Custom 1911Pistol for Trop Gun Shop

(GunReports.com) -- Turnbull Manufacturing has announced a very limited run of custom 1911 Commander-type pistols, designed for the Trop Gun Shop. The pistol is based on the 1920's era appearance of the 1911 pistol, if there were a Commander size slide and frame in production at the time.

New Videos Added to Gunreports.Com This Week

Here are new videos added to GunReports.com this week: Two bullets too many; Jerry Miculek takes a close look at the Tavor bullpup rifle; and a Brownells' gunsmith goes through, step-by-step, how to properly disassemble a Beretta 92.

Production Ends on Arsenals SLR-106 Rifles; Kahr Moving

After nearly a decade since its initial introduction into the firearms marketplace, production on Arsenal's SLR-106 series has officially ended. The SLR-106 rifle and pistol series was Arsenal's answer to the 5.56 caliber as the company looked to compete in that arena. The major selling point of the line was its chrome-lined and hammer-forged barrel. The current stock of SLR-106 5.56 caliber rifles and pistols will continue to be sold until supply runs out. Arsenal's availability list is displayed in the nearby photo. Additional SLR-106 products can be found by checking with Arsenal's distributors and various dealers.

Springfield Armory Enhanced Micro Pistol 9mm, $1253

This Gun Test-evaluated pistol is chambered for shooter-friendly 9mm ammunition. It offers single-action fire and a thumb-operated safety to simplify operation. Matching short slides to the proper-strength recoil spring can be challenging. The tested Springfield Armory EMP (Enhanced Micro Pistol), $1253, sprang from the Browning 1911 design.Matching short slides to the proper-strength recoil spring can be challenging. All four of our test guns utilized a two-spring plunger-style guide-rod system that seems to be the answer to providing the proper balance of compression and rebound. Despite this operational similarity all four pistols offered their own unique features. Our test pistol, the Springfield Armory EMP (Enhanced Micro Pistol), $1253, sprang from the Browning 1911 design.

CZ MODEL 83 380 ACP, ~$550

We tested two 380 ACP handguns in the April 2013 issue. Here's an excerpt of that report.

If you have a handgun for what some consider to be a sub-caliber round, it might be comforting to have lots of shots on hand, because you just might need them. Taking our tongues out of our cheeks now, the 380 can be an effective self-defense handgun cartridge, particularly with today's hotter JHP loads — if you can find any. There are zillions of good used 380s out there, though in today's market you might have the devil of a time finding one. We managed to acquire two, both slightly used, just like what you might have to consider in today's super-tight gun market. Our test pistols were a Beretta Model 84 ($600-$650) and a CZ Model 83 ($550 on up).

Springfield Armory XD40 Pro Carry XD9302HCSP06 40 S&W

The Pro Carry version of the XD pistol is a Springfield Armory Custom Shop pistol with a specified set of modifications. The Pro Carry package is the most basic of three available levels, providing a 4.5- to 5-pound trigger job, optional sights, the application of a national match barrel, a slick Armory Kote of all internal metal parts, and extension of the magazine release to one side as specified by the customer.

Tricks of the Gunsmithing Trade

Every gunsmith has secrets he would never share with a competitor. Here are a few you can claim as your own (but don’t tell anyone else).

Do I really have to let the dog bite me?

You have your gun to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property from murderers, rapists, car jackers, and home invaders. You may believe that the chances of anyone having any real legal issues regarding the killing of an animal in self-defense were remote. You would be wrong.

Tossed By A Tornado,S&W Handgun Survivesand Its Lasergrip Powers Up

When a powerful tornado rated by the National Weather Service as an EF-4 with winds up to 200 MPH ripped through central Oklahoma in May 2013, homeowner Pat Brand lost everything. He huddled along with 10 neighbors in a protective underground shelter as the violent storm roared overhead. When he emerged after the tornado passed, gone were his home, truck and a Smith &Wesson handgun that was equipped with Crimson Trace Lasergrips.

Smith & Wesson M&P Compact No. 109003 40 S&W, $569

We recently tested compact 40 S&W handguns in the March 2013 issue. Here's an excerpt of that report.

For this test we looked at a S&W M&P Compact 40 ($569) and a Kahr CW40 ($485). They are a bit larger than the tiny nines we've been trying, and there are good reasons for that. The 40 S&W is a lot more cartridge than the 9mm Parabellum, and when forties get smaller than these two test guns, recoil is entirely unfriendly.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...