
Disassembly and Reassembly of the Springfield EMP

In any case, the available calibers are not the only things I like about the EMP from Springfield, Inc. It's no larger than a compact 9mm. It's a Series-70 M1911A1, so it's not cluttered internally with a collection of additional parts dreamed up to put a firing-pin block in a pistol that can't fire unless it is gripped firmly in the hand. As this is written, the EMP is being produced in 9mm using a hard-coat aluminum-alloy frame. When it comes out in .40 S&W and .45 GAP, the frame will be of steel. Those initials behind the ".45" stand for Glock Automatic Pistol, a round developed in cooperation between the Austrian pistol maker and Speer.

GunAuction to Watch: Walther Umarex Colt 1911 Gold Cup Trophy 22 LR

The market for 22s that feel like big-bore guns continues to grow as shooters seek to cut ammo cuts but maintain proficiency. One of the guns in this segment is a triple-named semiauto listed in Featured Auction #10989722 by “JacktheDog.”

Arsenal Firearms’ New Double-Barrel 45

The AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol is the first industrial double-barrel semiautomatic pistol that the GunReports.com staff can recall. The original idea came to Swiss armourer Vivian Mueller about ten years back, who at the time cut and welded together multiple parts of the famous Sig P210. The result was a long slide, double barrel 9mm, highly decorated collector piece, which indeed shot very well.

GunReports.com SHOT Video: New CZ’s for 2012

Gun Tests Contributing Editor Roger Eckstine gets a rundown on new pistol models available from CZ this year.

Open Thread: What Holster Do GunReporters Recommend for Full-Size 1911s?

A poster on the Gun Tests Facebook page asked: 'Does Gun Tests have prior articles regarding holsters for CCW carry of a full size 1911 style pistol? I think a number of your readers are willing to accept the bulk in exchange for the benefits of a carrying a full-size .45 (such as the ability to shoot it more accurately under stress.)' The Gun Tests page architecture doesn't support a forum-like discussion, so we created this open thread for GunReporters to jump in and comment. Carry On!

Glock G17 9mm

Gun Tests recently shot three double-action-only pistols designed for duty or personal self defense. Medium to large in size, they carry few levers, and this snag-free characteristic also made them attractive for concealed carry. The $599 Glock G17, arguably the gun that started the polymer DAO revolution, relies on the preparation and release of a striker to impact the primer.

“Statue of Liberty” GlockAuctioned for More Than $15,000

Glock, Inc. has announced its highest bidder for the “Glock Statue of Liberty Gun,” the one-of-a-kind, hand-engraved Glock 22, which served as the official Handgun for the 2012 SHOT Show Auction. The gun sold to Alexander Wilson for $15,025, which will benefit programs to further America’s hunting and shooting sports heritage.

Hoffman’s Honored asRuger Retailer of the Year

Ruger has announced that Hoffman's Gun Center & Indoor Shooting Range of Newington, CT has been named the 2011 Ruger Retailer of the Year. Owner Scott Hoffman received an engraved Mark III pistol to recognize his support for Ruger and his success in the retail firearms industry.

SHOT Show Video: Features of the Mass-Legal Kahr PM9 9mm Pistol

At SHOT Show 2012, Gun Tests Contributing Editor Roger Eckstine covers the features of the Massachusetts-legal Kahr PM9 pistol.

SHOT Show Video: Springfield Armory’s new XDS 45

Gun Tests’ Contributing Editor Roger Eckstine found Springfield’s brand-new XDS .45 at the Media Range Day at the SHOT Show a couple of weeks ago. The micro-sized XDS was secret, and no one knew that the gun, smaller than a Glock 36, existed until media members showed up and saw the 4-inch-tall .45.

SHOT Show Video: Easy Disassembly for the Modular Beretta Nano

Beretta USA introduced the BU-9 Nano as its entry into the pocket 9mm pistol category last September. Initial shipments of the American-made pistol left the Accokeek, Maryland factory beginning in November 2011, with a suggested retail price of $475. In this video, Gun Tests’ Contributing Editor Roger Eckstine gets a detailed explanation of how easy the Nano is to break down for maintenance. The Nano's modularity provides for simple disassembly and easy cleaning. Safely disassemble the pistol by first engaging the striker deactivator, a patent pending safety mechanism that eliminates the need to pull the trigger prior to disassembly.

Colt Partners With Crimson TraceTo Offer New Agent With Lasergrips

Colt’s has teamed up with Crimson Trace Corporation to offer its first-ever Lasergrips, grip-integrated laser sights emblazoned with the Colt logo, which are now standard on the Colt New Agent pistol.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...