
2008 Election Results: Second Amendment Impact

Buckeye Firearms Association: Much has been said on www.buckeyefirearms.org about the shortcomings of John McCain on the gun issue, and it is clear that his weaknesses among this voting block had an effect on this election. Around 52% of American voters have selected a man the NRA has described as the most anti-gun candidate in history to be our next President.

Obama Promises Supreme Court That Will Destroy Second Amendment

In Oregon magazine, Sandy Froman, former president of the National Rifle Association of America, writes of the election of Barack Obama as president: 'Senator Barack Obama says he will respect gun owners, but campaign talk is cheap. What gun owners must know … is that Obama promises to appoint a U.S. Supreme Court that will eradicate the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

U.N. General Assembly Endorses Treaty to Regulate Global Arms Trade

The U.N. General Assembly has overwhelmingly endorsed the idea of an unprecedented treaty regulating the global arms trade. Only the U.S. and Zimbabwe voted against it. U.S.-based gun groups point out that an Obama administration would likely not oppose such a treaty for the first time.

Ruger Anticipates Capacity Restrictions, Announces Mini-14 Magazine Promotion

Sturm, Ruger & Company has announced an “Inaugural Special” for Mini-14 20-round magazines that runs through Inauguration Day.

Beretta 92FS

Taking into account its production as a military weapon (the M9), this pistol is one of the largest selling sidearms in history. The 92FS and the other guns are traditional double actions. The first shot is double action; subsequent shots are single action. The hammer can be lowered safely using the decocking lever found on both the right and left side of the slide. This lever will then stay down and, acting as a safety, disconnect the trigger. Raising the lever returns the gun to double action.

Para USA to Locate New Headquarters in North Carolina

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Para USA has announced plans to consolidate its manufacturing, assembly and warehousing in the Charlotte, North Carolina area.

Ruger Issues Product Safety Warning and Recall Notice of LCP Pistol

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. announced that it has recently received a small number of reports from the field indicating that LCP pistols can discharge when dropped onto a hard surface with a round in the chamber. Although no injuries have been reported, the company will retrofit all older LCP pistols. The retrofit involves installation of an upgraded hammer mechanism at no charge to the customer. This is a free safety upgrade.

Smith & Wesson Fills M&P9 Pistol Order for Iraqi Military and Security Forces

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. -- Smith & Wesson has shipped 7,500 M&P9 pistols to the U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq for distribution to Iraqi military and security forces.

In Alabama, Intended Victim Shoots, Kills Robber

…A Fairfield, Alabama, man attempting to rob another man in Pleasant Grove was shot and killed by his intended victim, police say.

FBI Releases 2007 Crime Statistics

The FBI presented these data in the 2007 edition of Crime in the United States, a statistical compilation of offense and arrest data as reported by law enforcement agencies throughout the nation.

Mom Who Open Carried Gets Back Concealed Gun Permit

A mother who angered fellow parents when she openly carried a pistol to her 5-year-old daughter's soccer game got her concealed weapons permit back Tuesday after a Pennsylvania judge overruled a sheriff's decision to revoke it.

San Francisco Loses Gun-Ban Fight, Will Likely Pay Gun Rights Lawyers

Earlier this year, the courts slapped down San Francisco's voter-approved initiative to ban the sale and possession of firearms, calling the proposition unlawful. Gun-owning residents, the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups, cheered.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...