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NRA Foundation receives 100th Anniversary Model 1911 from Colt Manufacturing

(GunReports.com) – The NRA Foundation has accepted the donation of a unique Anniversary Model 1911 pistol from Colt’s Manufacturing Company that celebrates 100 years of the 1911.

Videos on GunReports.com!

(GunReports.com) -- New GunReports.com Videos: 1: GunReports.com's Kevin Winkle gets the lowdown on Steiner's 2011 glass offerings. 2: Learn how to install the Blackhawk SpecOps Recoil Reducing Adjustable Shotgun Buttstock and forend. 3: Sig Arms Academy Director of Training and USAR Team shooting coach George Harris talks about competition shooting. What good is competition? Competition puts stress on you and teaches you how to use stress to your advantage.

Videos on GunReports.com!

(GunReports.com) -- New GunReports.com Videos: 1: Sig Arms Academy Director of Training and USAR Team shooting coach George Harris talks about competition shooting. What good is competition? Competition puts stress on you and teaches you how to use stress to your advantage. 2: NSSF's Ryan Cleckner explains the measurement term 'minute of angle' (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances. 3: Ruger's Beginner's Guide to Shooting Competitions series takes you through a variety of matches to help you find an event that's right for you. In this episode we take a close look at the biathlon rifle and how it is specialized to this specific sport. US Ski Team member Annelies Cook tells you why the biathlon rifle is so very different than anything else on the market.

Springfield M1A 308 Win, $1739

(GunReports.com) -- In the world of 308 Win./7.62 NATO auto-loading rifles, the M14 and its look-alikes reign just about supreme. They have it all, looks, power, function, capacity, plus a great variety of stock and accessory configurations from wood to all manner of polymer that can convert an M14 or M1A into just about any configuration you might want, particularly if you have deep pockets. Gun Tests recently tested the Springfield Armory M1A, $1739. We tested with three types of ball ammunition, the only type recommended in these firearms. It was Federal Gold Medal match, Magtech 150-grain ball from Brazil, and mixed lot of recovered ammunition purchased in bulk with headstamps from Israel, Italy, Belgium, and Canada, which we used unsorted. Here’s what we found.

Gun News from Around the Web: Feb 28, 2011

GunReports.com aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for 'GunReports.com' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

NRA-ILA List: National Anti-Gun Organizations, Celebrities, Businesses, and Journalists

(GunReports.com) -- The following list, compiled by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, documents which organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI 'Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.' Many of these organizations were listed as 'Campaign Partners,' for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton 'assault weapons' ban. All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions.

International Training Inc. – Texas to Host 3 Day Advanced Pistol Course

(GunReports.com) -- International Training, Inc. (ITI), a subsidiary of Wackenhut Services Inc., and providers of benchmark security training programs to the U.S. Government, U.S. Military and corporate America, will be hosting a 3-Day Advanced Pistol Course taught by M. Anthony Marshall of LOT X CORP March 14-16, 2011 at the ITI-Texas Campus in Dilley, Texas.

Top Hunting and Shooting Equipment Brands for 2010

(GunReports.com) — Southwick Associates has announced the brands hunters and shooters purchased most frequently in 2010. This list has been compiled from the 41,923 internet-based surveys completed by hunters and target shooters who volunteered to participate last year in HunterSurvey.com and ShooterSurvey.com polls.

Videos on GunReports.com!

(GunReports.com) -- New GunReports.com Videos: 1: Reservist John Buol Jr., editor of American Gunsmith magazine, introduces the ACOG TAO1 battle sight, and how to use it in the field. USAMU Reserve Combat Shooting Team MSG Lance Espinosa shows how he maintains data on this sight to maintain its effectiveness. 2: Kevin Winkle of GunReports.com gets the lowdown on introductions that Crimson Trace is making in 2011 handguns. Sig, S&W, Ruger, and others. Talks about G10 custom grip lasers, infrared lasers (sadly, military only), and a buncha other cool stuff. 3: GunReport.com's Kevin Winkle handles the Glock 17 25th anniversary model in this Product Minute.

Gun News from Around the Web: Feb 21, 2011

GunReports.com aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for 'GunReports.com' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Kel-Tec SU-16 .223 Remington

The bulk of our evaluations at Gun Tests consist of head-to-head match-ups of like weaponry. However, every once in a while we come across firearms that occupy such a small niche, that competing products are hard to find. The best that we can do is match them up by job function, and see which product we prefer.The job this month is long-gun self defense. The Kel-Tec SU-16 is, for all intents and purposes, a lightweight AR-15 that folds in half.

Gun News from Around the Web: Week of Feb 6-12, 2011

GunReports.com aggregates important gun news of the week. Bookmark this page to check back often for new items added weekly, daily, or hourly, or on your Facebook page, search for 'GunReports.com' and click 'Like' to get the newsfeed pushed to your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...