Palm Pistol Prototype Now in Endurance Tests
( -- Matt Carmel, president of Constitution Arms, said the company has received its first working prototype of the Palm Pistol and that the pistol is undergoing endurance testing.
Working the Marlin Model 9 Camp Carbine
The Marlin Model 9 is compact, light in weight, and more accurate than a 9mm duty pistol at longer ranges. It's able to fire the same service-pistol ammunition at a higher velocity, and it recoils far less than a 12-gauge shotgun. These factors have contributed to the growing popularity of the Model 9 as a law-enforcement and home-defense weapon. Here's how to fix it. Video: Ruger Tactical Tips – 2, Handgun Fundamentals
On, this Ruger video covers the essentials. Learning grip and body position are crucial to controlling your firearm's recoil. Dave Spaulding puts special emphasis on trigger control for managing your gun, as well as other essentials like grip and body position.
Gun Tests 9mm Compact Pistol Showdown: Glock, Springfield, CZ, Ruger
( -- Four similar and equally matched 9mm pistols turned in a tightly fought battle in the August 2010 issue of Gun Tests, says its editor, and the magazine’s test team had trouble picking a winner. Tested: Glock 19, Springfield Armory XDM 3.8, CZ USA 75D PCR Compact, and the new Ruger SR9C. Video: LaserLyte Ruger SR9/C Laser RL-SR finds that the LaserLyte rear sight laser fits all Ruger SR9 and SR9 Compact pistols. The only laser for the Ruger SR9 pistols that you can fit in any holster. MSRP $200. Video: Viking Tactics Triple Threat Rifle Drill posts this Viking Tactics video on The Triple Threat drill, designed to really dial in on CQB-type shooting. It requires a great mix of both speed and accuracy. Start this one at about 5 yards. If you routinely make all of your shots on this one, it's time to speed up!
9mm Is Overwhelming ‘Yes’ Choice in GunReports Survey
( -- A recent tabulation of 529 respondents to a survey question, “Is the 9mm suitable for self defense?” showed a strong preference for the round. However, almost all respondents added comments to qualify their 'yes' votes.
Kel-Tec SU-16CA 5.56 NATO/223 Rem., $890
( Kel-Tec CNC Industries Inc. has carved a niche in manufacturing small, lightweight pistols which feature simple no-nonsense designs. The SU-16CA follows this same philosophy. The barrel and mechanism are constructed 4140 steel with the balance of the gun constructed of Zytel, a reinforced plastic polymer. Additionally, the barrel is chrome lined for corrosion resistance and has a twist of 1:9. It comes with ½-28 threads, but no flash hider is supplied. Instead, a knurled cap serves as a thread protector. The SU-16CA was by far the least expensive rifle in our tests. Video: Springfield Armory’s Improved XD9 at SHOT Show
From Thanks to the efforts of Springfield Armory, the XD9 pistol has undergone somewhat of a transformation. It's available in two finishes and at competitive prices. In the this video from the 2010 SHOT Show, Gun Tests Contributing Editor Roger Eckstine discusses the improvements.
McDonald Supreme Court Ruling Strikes Down Chicago Gun Ban
( -- In its second major ruling on gun rights in three years, the Supreme Court Monday extended the federally protected right to keep and bear arms to all 50 states. Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the five-justice majority, saying 'the right to keep and bear arms must be regarded as a substantive guarantee, not a prohibition that could be ignored so long as the States legislated in an evenhanded manner.'
Sour Grapes: Violence Policy Center Statement on McDonald v. Chicago Decision
( -- Following today's U.S. Supreme Court decision in McDonald v. Chicago that the City of Chicago's handgun ban is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, thus applying the Court's 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller beyond Washington, D.C., Violence Policy Center Legislative Director Kristen Rand issued the following statements.
Statement of Brady President Paul Helmke on Second Amendment Ruling by U.S. Supreme Court
( -- Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Center and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statements. See the's staff [comments in brackets] following each Helmke misstatement.