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Missouri Bill Would Ban Support for Federal Gun Control Past, Present, or Future

The Tenth Amendment Center has reported that a bill introduced in the Missouri House would ban the state from enforcement of all federal gun control. Passage into law would represent a major step toward ending federal acts that infringe on the right to keep and bear arms within the state.

Smith & Wesson 638 Bodyguard .38 Special +P

The name Bodyguard has to be one of the all-time classic names for a self-defense gun. Certainly this Smith & Wesson design has been with us a long time, and in many ways it should be considered an unsung hero among the latest super-light firearms, mainly because it did so much so well.

Kimber Eclipse Target II 45 ACP, $1393

We compared two full-size 1911 handguns in the June 2013 issue to see which model offered the most bang for the buck. This Personal Defense test pitted two pistols of disparate price points to see if the less expensive model offered enough to consider it versus a fully equipped modern handgun. Tested were the Rock Island Armory Standard GI No. 51421 45 ACP, $410; and the Kimber Eclipse Target II 45 ACP, $1393. Here's an excerpt of that test.

Ruger GP-100 .357 Magnum No. KGP-141 Revolver

Ruger lists seven different models in the GP100 revolver family with barrel lengths of 3, 4, and 6 inches. Finishes are either blued or stainless steel. Manufacturer's suggested retail prices range from $552 for the .38 Special +P only models to $615 for the stainless steel .357 Magnum revolvers with barrel lengths of either 4 or 6 inches. All models come with a rubber grip complete with a rosewood insert. Our 4-inch barreled KGP-141 had a pleasing bright-stainless finish and an adjustable rear sight. Elevation was the familiar clockwise for down and counter clockwise for raising the point of impact. The windage adjustment required opposite movement for changing point of impact.

Olympic Arms OA 98 223 Rem

The design of the OA series of AR-15 type rifles connects to the OA 98 pistol. To accommodate a folding stock, Olympic Arms developed an upper that eliminated the need for a buffer tube. However, due to subsequent legal restrictions, folding-stock models such as the OA 93 and its cousins now feature fixed stocks, but these rifles still benefit from their minimal design and lighter weight. If you look at an OA-built AR-15 and imagine it without a stock, it is easy to visualize how the OA 98 pistol came into being.

Ruger Redhawk KRH-444

Rugers $780 KRH-444 Redhawk was our top pick among three 4-inch .44 Magnum revolvers. Heres why. When Ruger engineers sought to make a more compact revolver, they did so by shortening the barrel and introducing a new grip. They left the frame alone. This meant the gun was plenty strong to take any punishment we could dish out.

Silent Remote Switches for Tactical Flashlights

To help soldiers and predator hunters maintain their stealth, Alpha-TAC’s ExtremeBeam has designed a silent remote switch for select models of its tactical-flashlight product line.

Working the AR-15 Successfully

GunReports.com relays information from Gunsmithing the Rifle about the much-praised and oft-maligned AR-15 rifle. An early model was dressed in green, and still had an Armalite logo on the side of the lower receiver. The ammunition designation was not 5.56mm, but the familiar .223 as manufactured by Remington. It was the summer of 1962.

SHOT Show Product Spotlight – Armalite and Surgeon Rifles

SHOT Show Product Spotlight visits the Armalite booth to check out the company’s latest rifle, the AR-31, chambered in .308 Winchester. While there, Surgeon Rifles, a sister company of Armalite, showed off their newest rifle, the CSR Rifle (Concealable Sniper Rifle).

SHOT Show 2014 Product Spotlight – Black Rain Ordnance

SHOT Show 2014 Product Spotlight went inside the Black Rain Ordnance booth to check out the company’s latest products.

Benelli Super Nova Tactical No. 29155 Pump-Action 12 Gauge, $559

We compared four 12-gauge pumpguns in in the October 2013 issue. They were the Benelli Super Nova Tactical No. 29155 pump-action 12 Gauge, $559, and the recently introduced Stevens Model 320 Home Defense No. 19495, $270; the CZ Model 612 Home Defense No. 06520, $290; and the CZ Model 612 HC-P No. 06510, $349.

At a reader's request, we selected several new models of self-defense shotguns that carry low to moderate price tags and pitted them against one of the popular veteran self-defense shotguns to see how they would perform.

IWI Tavor TSB16 5.56 NATO, $1999

Gun Tests magazine did a one-gun Special Report on the Tavor TAR-21 Bullpup in the September 2013 issue. This hot new rifle in 5.56 NATO costs a pretty penny - around $2000 rollout in most places - but we see some reasons why it may be worth the money. Following are excerpts from that test, used with permission:

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...