Indiana Lawsuit Tests Take Your Gun To Work Laws
An Indianapolis man will test a new Indiana gun law that allows people to keep guns in their cars at work and prohibit employers from asking about gun possession. Thomas Jordan filed suit against ADM Enforcement Inc., accusing the company of violating the gun laws when it fired him Sept. 1.
More BATFE, DOJ Officials Need To Lose Jobs in Fast and Furious Scandal
The chairman of a House committee investigating the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation praised a report by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General on what went wrong in the bungled investigation but said more people involved need to lose their jobs.
Rumor Control: U.N. ATT and POA, Bad but Different
The latest rumor making its way through the darker corners of the internet is an inaccurate spin on the U.N.'s never-ending mission to disarm the American people. The rumors vary, but some have wrongly claimed that the U.S. has secretly adopted a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, subjecting Americans to the schemes of U.N. gun controllers, according to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action.
The New Gun Culture
A recent article at by Richard Johnson describes how the demographics of the gun community has changed, and why. Johnson writes:
Blackwash: So Far, Only Two Take the Fall for ‘Fast and Furious’
Released Wednesday, the Justice Department’s Inspector General report on the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” gun-walking scheme blamed more than a dozen senior officials within the department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for a variety of professional mistakes in administering the program, according to a story in the Cheaper Than Dirt! Shooter’s Log.
Judicial Watch Sues Department of Justice for ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents
What is President Obama hiding? That's the question at the center of a Judicial Watch lawsuit filed against the Department of Justice last week, says the group’s president Tom Fitton.
Retailers Prepare for Surge in Gun Demand if Obama is Re-Elected
As Cabela's Inc. prepares the selection of guns it will sell for the holiday season and winter hunting, the outdoor-gear retailer has two plans: one if President Barack Obama is re-elected, and one if he isn’t, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Tennessee widow turns tragedy into a cause for gun rights
( -- Clutching a .38-caliber revolver stashed in her sparkly blue purse makes 36-year-old Nikki Goeser feel more secure when walking back to her car at night.
Feinstein, Democratic Party Get Head Start on Gun Ban Anniversary
This week marks the eight-year anniversary of the expiration of the federal 'assault weapon' and 'large' ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004. While gun owners have been preparing to celebrate by going to three-gun competitions, doing some recreational target practice, taking carbine classes, or zeroing their ARs to get ready for hunting season, their detractors have been busy too.
NRA’s Cox Notes Not-So-Subtle Change in Dem Party Platform
This from NRA-ILA's Chris Cox: President Obama is running from a crime scene.
Washington Times: ATF Reduces Due Process for Seizing Firearms
A Washington Times editorial says the Obama administration is making it easier for bureaucrats to take away guns without offering the accused any realistic due process.
U.N. “Programme of Action” Targets Civilian Gun Owners
( -- The NRA-ILA says gun owners hoping the failure of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty in July would finally convince the UN to respect our rights shouldn't hold their breath.