Ruger Introduces New 10/22 with Modular Stock System
Gun Tests Editor Todd Woodard said, "The Modular Stock System allows for length-of-pull adjustment to accommodate shooters of various sizes as well as variations in thickness of outerwear. With a low comb height and 12.5-inch length of pull, this 10/22 model is ideal for training younger shooters."
Browning Upgrades the New Citori White Lightning
The Citori White Lightning is chambered for 12-gauge 3-inch shells and includes three Invector-Plus black Midas Grade extended choke tubes in Full, Modified, and Improved Cylinder constrictions. Available barrel lengths are 26 inches and 28 inches.
Does Your Kahr or Auto Ordnance Firearm Need Service? Read This Before You Ship
Beginning September 17, 2018, all repairs and product returns must be sent to the new location in Greeley, PA. The service department can be reached by email at or by phone at 508-795-3919 Ext. 1. The new shipping address for Kahr and Auto-Ordnance repairs and product returns is stated here.
Police Department Implements Viridian Weapon-Mounted Camera
ViridianWeapon Technologies announces that the West Hennepin Public Safety Department located just outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota has deployed theFACT DutyWeapon-Mounted Camera (WMC) to all of its officers.
Which Window Stickers Scream ‘Gun Inside’ to Car Burglars?
Sergeant Parkerson posted on the app, "Burglary of Motor Vehicle suspects were recently caught breaking into vehicles in what they considered to be an upper-scale apartment complex. Their objective was to locate and steal guns from vehicles they identified on the property. Their method for choosing which vehicles they would break into was to simply locate any vehicle on the property that had some form of Law Enforcement, Fire Department, or Military-style decal on it. From their experience, they [the suspects] have learned that these vehicles would have a higher probability of having a weapon in it that they could then steal."
Judge Brett Kavanaugh: A So-So Gun Guy?
From the standpoint of gunowners' rights, will Judge Kavanaugh be "fer us or agin' us" if he's elevated to the Supreme Court? Or, said another way, will he be a "good guy on guns" or just a so-so one? "Right now, nobody knows for sure how a 'Justice Kavanaugh' might rule on gunowner rights at the SCOTUS level," said Gun Tests Editor Todd Woodard. "But the tea leaves, the entrails, the penumbras suggest he strongly leans our way."
More Legal Problems for SIG’s P320
In response to social media rumors questioning the safety of the P320 pistol, a variant of which was selected by the U.S. government as the U.S. Army's Modular Handgun System (MHS), SIG SAUER, Inc. has full confidence in the reliability, durability and safety of its striker-fired handgun platform. There have been zero (0) reported drop-related P320 incidents in the U.S. commercial market, with hundreds of thousands of guns delivered to date.
New National Online Gunseller – MidwayUSA – Enters the Market
"National firearms and firearms-accessory retailers have made price- and model-shopping for rifles, shotguns, pistols, and revolvers even easier," says Todd Woodard, editor of Gun Tests magazine. "It's not quite to the point that Amazon has begun selling firearms, but the competition for online sales should drive prices down and make availability even better."
Gun Sales Hit New Monthly Record in March
The number of NICS checks in a month is considered a strong indicator for how well gun sales are doing, Woodard explained. Each sale made by a federally licensed dealer, such as a gun store, is subject to a check. Missing from these transaction totals are the sale of used guns between private parties. Also, some states use the checks to issue gun-carry permits. "And sales of multiple guns during a single transaction by a dealer generally only requires a single background check," Woodard said. "So, for example, when I bought three bolt-action rifles at a local Academy store in Houston in March, that only generated one NICS check."
224 Valkyrie Cartridge Specifications Approved
Attention: Important Kel-Tec Sub-2000 Safety Recall Notice
According to a Kel-Tec statement, an issue with the "heat treatment of certain steel tubes received from a third‐party supplier from which the barrels for a limited number of Kel‐Tec SUB‐2000 rifles were manufactured," may rupture the barrels when firing cartridges. The safety of our customers is our primary concern, so Kel‐Tec has voluntarily initiated this recall because of the possibility of a barrel rupturing."
S&W’s New M&P380 Shield EZ Pistol Is Supposedly Easy to Use
Smith & Wesson's new M&P380 Shield EZ pistol is a personal-protection and everyday-carry sidearm which is being marketed as easy to use (EZ), a test consideration that Gun Tests Magazine's concealed-carry readers ask about all the time.