DC Councilman Offers Ban Changes
Boston Tea Party 2008 Staged by Gun Owners Action League
The Black View on Heller
Smith & Wesson Stock Jumps After US Supreme Court Voids Washington DC Handgun Ban
Emmons, Beyerle Claim 3 Position National Championship Titles
Smith & Wesson M457 No. 104804 .45 ACP
The Model 457 is one of the oldest remaining products in the Smith & Wesson catalog. Also available with a matte stainless finish (model number 457S), this design is closely related to the "Second Generation" pistols that were popular with law enforcement when semi-automatics first replaced the revolver. What we liked best about the 457 was the way it lined up in our hands.
The distance between the face of the trigger and the rear of the grip was just right, even when the trigger was in its rearward position for single-action fire. The plastic grip looked and felt like it was part of the aluminum frame. The seven round magazines included a basepad with a pinky rest, so even those shooters with the largest hands were satisfied.
Mossberg 930 SPX Autoloader Shotgun
Nosler Solid Bullets
CenterPoint Introduces Its 2-7x32mm Scope and Sharp Shooters Kit
Nikon Announces Three New Riflescopes To The Monarch Lineup
Winchesters New Safari Ammunition Line
Ruger Launches Special Edition Mini-14 Rifle To Benefit NRA-ILA
A special edition Mini-14 rifle will be produced in 2008 to raise money for the NRA Institute for Legislative Action.