Remington Nitro Sporting Clays The Diminutive .410
Madison, NC – Nothing is more challenging than taking on the sporting clays course with the diminutive .410.
Remington Nitro Turkey Loads Buffered
Remington Nitro Turkey Loads offer hunters...
Sig Sauer P250 Two-Tone 9mm
Big news at the Exeter, New Hampshire, plant not only includes a change of name from Sigarms to Sig Sauer, but also the release of a new pistol. The P250 featured a double-action system that raised the hammer smoothly in direct proportion to movement of the trigger. The stroke was long but the same length every time. Aside from the single-action 1911-style pistols, other Sig Sauer trigger systems are not as simple.
Some models feature a double-action first stroke with the hammer remaining cocked thereafter and the trigger resetting rearward in the trigger guard. Until manually decocked, subsequent shots are fired single-action only.
Remingtons New Managed-Recoil Ammunition
Madison, NC – For 2008, Remington has expanded its innovative line of Managed-Recoil centerfire rifle ammunition to include 260 Remington, 7mm-08 Remington and 300 Remington Ultra Magnum.
Remington 223 Core-Lokt Ultra Bonded Technology
Madison, NC – For 2008, Remington is proud to elevate the 223 Remington into a completely new level of performance with Core-Lokt Ultra Bonded technology.
The 17 Remington
Madison, NC – New for 2008, Remington has expanded the 17 Remington Fireball lineup to include a UMC brand 25 grain JHP...
Remington Green Centerfire Lead-Free Hunting Ammunition
Madison, NC – Welcome the newest member of the Remington Premier Gold Box ammunition family; Remington Premier Green lead-free hunting ammunition.
Two New Heavy-Weight Ammo Offerings from Remington
Madison, NC – New for 2008, Remington Premier Match ammunition will be available in both 223 Remington 77 grain and 308 Win 175 grain.
Over At Marlin the Best .44 Magnum Rifle
…Your rules that you usually follow call for the one that is substantially overpriced to be given a 'Conditional Buy' rating, not 'Don't Buy'.
Ted Nugent Could Be The NRA’s Rambunctious New Charlton Heston
The LA Times recently speculated that rocker Ted Nugent is prepared to replace Charlton Heston as popular culture's most outspoken proponent of the 2nd Amendment.
Solicitor General Clement Says He Will Step Down; Opposed Heller Supreme Court Case as...
Gun activists were upset with him earlier this year because of a brief he filed in the Second Amendment challenge of the District's handgun ban.
Concealed Weapons Now Allowed In Parks, On Public Transportation
Georgians with carry licenses can tote their concealed guns on public transportation, carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, and carry in state parks