TrackingPoint Stops Accepting Orders
TrackingPoint, the Pflugerville, Texas-based maker of "Precision-Guided Firearms" that cost upwards of $10K, announced on its website that it is no longer accepting orders due to "financial difficulty."
STIs New DVC Limited and Open Pistols
"Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas"
Beretta Cheetah 84 LS .380 ACP, $652
Smaller guns have always had a certain appeal. In some cases it was just the aspect of miniaturization that captures our imagination. In other cases it was the reassurance of a highly concealable weapon. One niche of such guns were semi-auto .380s, which have long been popular sidearms because of their flat, short footprint and sufficient, if not outstanding, power. Even in the small world of 9mm Shorts there is a pecking order in terms of size, with the Beretta 84LS being one of the largest.
Ruger Redhawk KRH-444
Rugers $780 KRH-444 Redhawk was our top pick among three 4-inch .44 Magnum revolvers. Heres why. When Ruger engineers sought to make a more compact revolver, they did so by shortening the barrel and introducing a new grip. They left the frame alone. This meant the gun was plenty strong to take any punishment we could dish out.