Gallup Poll: Public Believes Americans Have Right to Own Guns
The often fierce debate over the Second Amendment has centered on whether it was intended to protect the rights of all Americans to own guns, or only those who are members of state militia groups. The poll makes it clear which side Americans come down on. Gun owners (roughly one-third of the U.S. adult population) are nearly universal in endorsing the view that the Second Amendment guarantees their right to own guns. Non-owners are less likely to view the amendment this way, but a majority still do.
VZ 58 Tactical Sporter and VZ 58 Military Sporter Unveiled
…The Sa vz. 58 was developed by Ing. Jiri Cermak in 1956 and 1957, adopted by the Czechoslovakian army in 1958. and was produced by Ceska Zbrojovka in Uhersky Brod, Czechoslovakia until 1983.
Smith & Wesson Launches Training Program with
Smith & Wesson Corp., announced today that it has entered into an agreement with the online training company to provide retail sales training support for the Company’s Smith & Wesson, Walther and Thompson/Center Arms products.
Colleges to Shoot for National Titles in San Antonio
More than 255 shooters from 33 colleges and universities will shoot for a national title in shotgun sports April 10-13 at the National Shooting Complex.
Burglary Victim Fights Back
…HOUSTON -- A southeast Houston homeowner shot a burglary suspect after he was victimized twice in a week.
Hancock Earns A Spot On The 2008 U.S. Olympic Skeet Team
…Vincent Hancock has earned a spot on his first U.S. Olympic Team, finishing with a total score of 511 targets.
Browning Introduces New MicroBlast LED Flashlights
…Browning's new MicroBlast finger-sized lights take up little more space than a tube of lip balm.
MTM Announces Mini Digital Reloading Scale
The MTM Case-Gard DS-1200 is a pocket-sized scale whose features include: an extended, 3 minute auto shut-off powder pan, custom designed to facilitate bullet, powder and arrow weighingeasy to read, backlit LCD display plusminus .1 grain accuracy up to 1200 grain capacity measures in grains, grams, carats and ounces stainless steel sensory platform high-impact, plastic sensory cover that doubles as large powder pan uses just two standard AAA batteries (included) calibration weight and detailed instructions included a high-quality, foam lined case for permanent storage and…
Arizona Crowns Youth Sporting Clays Champs
Young sporting clay shooters from across Arizona earned state titles at last weekend’s Scholastic Clay Target Program Commissioner’s Cup Sporting Clays State Championship.
Supreme Court Gun-Ban Case Heard
Here are some different views of the Heller arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court:
Winchester Super X3 Waterfowl Semiautomatic 12 Gauge, $1216
This gun is billed as the fastest semiautomatic on the market, capable of cycling 12 shots in 1.442 seconds. According to Winchester officials,...
Browning Cynergy Classic Trap Unsingle Combo
The newest addition to Browning's diverse line of high-performance trap shotguns is the Cynergy Classic Trap Unsingle Combo that will give trap shooters one of the most advanced over and under shotgun designs to use in either singles or doubles competition.