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New Special Forces 1911 with Light Rail

Ed Brown Products has introduced a light rail frame for 2008. This new light rail frame will initially be available on the Special Forces pistol.

New Ed Brown Varmint Rifle Spex

The new Ed Brown Varmint stock includes every enhancement Brown customers have requested over the past few years.

Castle doctrine puts power in victims’ hands

Kathy Adkins moved from target to target, using a .38 revolver and a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol with deadly efficiency, putting holes in the dead center of paper targets meant to look like people. Adkins, 48, owns a real estate firm in Jackson and has been taking firearms training since March. Instructor Cliff Cargill said he has had many new students since the Legislature passed a bill last year giving residents expanded legal rights to protect…

What’s New in Long Guns at SHOT 2008?

It seems like every year is a banner year at the Shooting and Outdoor Trades Show and 2008 is no exception. There’s a bumper crop of new product offerings from some of the biggest names in the sport. Here’s a quick-hits rundown of what’s hot, and what’s happening.

Teen Says He Didn’t Hesitate To Shoot Armed Robbers: Denver News

A Fountain teenager who woke up to the sounds of robbers in his home said that he didn't hesitate to shoot the men before they took off with his flat screen television.

NSSF Shooting Sports Summit

The NSSF Shooting Sports Summit will be held June 23-25 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Bad Brief: The Bush DOJ shoots at the Second Amendment

A lot of Americans who believe in the right to own guns were very disappointed this weekend. On Friday, the Bush administration's Justice Department entered into the fray over the District of Columbia's 1976 handgun ban by filing a brief to the Supreme Court that effectively supports the ban. The administration pays lip service to the notion that the Second Amendment protects gun ownership as an individual right, but their brief leaves the term essentially meaningless.

Smith & Wesson To Host First IDPA Indoor National Championships

Smith & Wesson Corp., announced today that after 10 years of successfully hosting the Smith & Wesson International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) Winter Championships, the company will now hold the first IDPA Indoor National Championships February 21-23, 2008.

Team GLOCK Shooting Squad Champions at the 2008 Georgia Steel Challenge

The 2008 season began for the Team GLOCK Shooting Squad with victories at the Georgia Steel Challenge Championship. The 3rd Annual steel tournament took place January 3-5 at the Griffin Gun Club in Griffin, Georgia and drew more than 120 entries including GLOCK's Dave Sevigny, Jessie Abbate and Randi Rogers. At this event competitors were required to draw and hit five steel targets at ranges from 7-35 yards. Competitors receive five separate start commands in succession…

Beretta A391 Teknys Gold Sporting J391T78 12 Gauge

There’s nothing we don’t like about this gun. A smart combination of good looks, high functionality, flexibility and a full package of accessories put this gun at the head of the class. A little more expensive than some other sporting clays semi-autos, we think this one is worth the extra money.

USPSA Shoots For 20,000 Members In 2008

The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) is shooting for 20,000 members in 2008 and has enlisted the help of some of the firearms industry’s biggest leaders.

Proposed Firearms Ordinances in Cook County, Ill.

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association of the firearms industry -- is encouraging all sportsmen, hunters and firearms enthusiasts to contact the Cook County Board of Commissioners and urge them to oppose a string of county ordinances that if passed would result in a shutdown of firearms dealers and a ban on guns. The move by NSSF follows the introduction of three proposed ordinances by County Commissioners Larry…

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...