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Tightening The Armalite AR-24s Slide

Much popular opinion around handgun slides posits that slide tightening is not particularly important for maximum accuracy. Instead, barrel-to-slide fit and barrel and bushing fit are more frequently stressed. With some of the quick packages that the gunsmith offers, barrel and bushing fit are good enough for carry purposes, or perhaps even for IDPA-competition pistols. But when a shooter demands top-notch accuracy, his pistol should have a good tight slide and frame-rail fit.

How to Disassemble Marlin Lever-Action Rifles

The glory days for Marlin were from the early 1880s up to about the turn of the century, a time when they manufactured an impressive line of high-quality lever-action rifles and carbines. Marlin's lever-actions were also offered in a wide range of calibers and sizes. These ranged from large rifles to handle big-game calibers to medium-framed rifles in pistol calibers (such as the .44-40 Winchester) down to small .22-caliber rimfire versions. The original Marlins were…

U.S. District Court Dismisses Lawsuit to Ban Traditional Ammunition

Last week, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Center for Biological Diversity and six other groups demanding the Environmental Protection Agency ban traditional ammunition containing lead components.

NSSF President Discusses Industry Priorities with Nation’s Wildlife Professionals

A summit meeting last week brought together professionals from state fish and game agencies and leaders of the firearms, ammunition, archery, and fishing and recreational boating industries–all of which pay excise taxes to support the American tradition of outdoor recreation.

Camp Perry’s NRA Smallbore leg temporarily moving from Ohio to Indiana

If you've been hearing mumblings about changes to the NRA National Smallbore Rifle Championships, both Position and Prone, look no further. NRA says the championships are being moved from Camp Perry, Ohio to Bristol, Indiana for 2014 and 2015.

Wilson Combat Announces T.R.I.M. — Tactical Rail Interface

Wilson Combat has introduced the T.R.I.M. AR-10-D (Tactical Rail Interface, Modular) AR-10 rail, which the company touts as the lightest, strongest and most versatile compact free-floating rail systems on the market. It’s available in 12-inch ($350) and 14-inch ($360) sizes. It is designed for AR-10 pattern rifles and clones with 1-7/16-18 inch threaded receivers, such as the DPMS/SR-25.

Koenig Wins Fourth Consecutive Overall Bianchi Title

Finishing with a perfect points score of 1920-183x, defending champion Doug Koenig battled through his final event at the 2013 MidwayUSA/NRA Bianchi Cup Championships to win his 15th MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup overall title. But it wasn't a cakewalk. Pushed through every stage of the competition, it was exactly what competitors and fans expected to see, NRAblog reports.

Disassembly and Reassembly of the Browning Cynergy Shotgun

To paraphrase a line from the book John M. Browning, American Gunmaker, the story of Browning's genius is the story of the evolution of modern firearms. John M. Browning was issued 128 patents on at least 80 models in nearly every caliber from .22 Short up to the 37mm cannon shell. Those patents covered automatic, semi-automatic, lever, and pump actions.

Upgrading the Ruger Mini-14 the Brownells Way, Part I and Part II

Brownells makes it very easy for any shooter, experienced or not, to convert his Ruger Mini-14 into a tricked-out rifle that meets your exacting wants and needs. The first step in this customization process is to determine what I am going to use the rifle for. Foremost, I wanted this rifle for varmint hunting, particularly night-time hunting. My secondary use is for self-defense purposes at home.

B&C Records: Whitetail, Sheep, Grizzly Entries on the Rise

Trophy-class specimens of whitetail deer, Stone's sheep, Dall's sheep, desert sheep and grizzly bears are becoming more common afield, based on newly compiled records by the Boone and Crockett Club. However, trophy records are declining for caribou.

Gun Tests June 2013 Pistol Preview: RIA Standard GI and Kimber Eclipse Target II

To answer a number of questions concerning the performance of the 1911 pistol, the Gun Tests South Carolina test unit obtained a Rock Island Armory Standard GI No. 51421 45 ACP, $410, and a Kimber Eclipse Target II 45 ACP, $1393, in what originally seemed to be a price mismatch.

NSSF Updates Firearms Retailer Survey Results

For the past five years, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has surveyed federally licensed firearms retailers across the country to find out what products are the biggest sellers and who is buying. NSSF has just issued the latest version of that report from an online survey conducted last month. The data shows which types of firearms and ammunition were most popular in 2012, and at the same time allows retailers to compare their businesses to that of other gun stores across the country.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...