2013 NRA Annual Meetings Open Tomorrow in Houston
Kowa Sporting Optics Introduces the TSN-IP5 iPhone Adapter for the iPhone 5
San Antonio Police Department Converts to Smith & Wesson M&P40 Pistols
Aimpoints Military Product Development Benefits Hunters and Shooters
Phoenix HP22A .22 LR
How much does it cost to get a decent .22 'plinker,' or whatever you'd like to call a .22 pistol for shooting fun in camp or on the trail? Can you get one for under $150? Or will you have to spend many hundreds of dollars? The answers may depend on your proposed use for the gun, but Gun Tests limited the use to simply having low-cost fun with a semiauto handgun, the ground was laid for the current test.
NRA Programs Growth Fueledby Increased Interest in Firearms
Barnes Sponsors NRA Womans Outlook
Check Out NewestLeica Sport Opticsat 2013 NRA Meeting
Precision-Guided Firearm CompanyHires Tech Industry Veteran
Owning machine guns, suppressors, and “sawed-off” rifles and shotguns under NFA
You have probably heard that the private ownership of machine guns, suppressors, and 'sawed-off' rifles and shotguns is against the law. Many state penal codes calls these items prohibited weapons. For example, possession, manufacture, transportation, sale and repair of these weapons is a third degree felony punishable by up to ten years in the Texas Department of Corrections, writes attorney Michael D. Wisdom, president of the Texas Law Shield, a firearms legal defense retainer program developed by Houston-based Walker, Rice & Wisdom, P.C., Attorneys at Law.