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Harry Reid Prepares to Annihilate Second Amendment

On Election Day last November, several Democrat Senators were campaigning for reelection in pro-gun states. And in order to get their constituents’ votes, they promised fealty to the Second Amendment.

The Dirty Dozen: Wildlife Groups that Want to End Hunting

There are groups that undermine and manipulate systems across America to end hunting, trapping and fishing. These same “less-than-honest” groups also often then exploit wildlife and conservation issues in the name of raising dollars for their devious causes. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has identified a dozen organizations that have taken efforts in the past year to prevent you from hunting or trapping:

Illinois Gun and Magazine Ban Measures Move Out of Committee

On Wednesday, Illinois Senate Democrats advanced bans on semiautomatic rifles and pistols and some magazines.

FBI Reports Record Gun Sales Last Month — Up 1 Million over December 2011

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Wednesday that it had conducted a record number of instant background checks on those wishing to buy firearms in December

S&W Model 438 Bodyguard 38 Special

It's clear that Smith & Wesson figures there's still a viable market for the snubnose 38, because it came out with a new revolver in 2010 called the Bodyguard 38, usurping the name of the previous Bodyguard with shrouded hammer. The new Bodyguard 38 comes with an 'integral' laser sight, and the gun vies with the Centennial Airweight for looks, charm, effectiveness, concealability, and price.

We acquired a new Bodyguard 38 No. 103038, $625. The gun was a S&W five-shot 38 Special, and had a 1.9-inch barrel. Our prime interest was to see if the newer, more expensive Bodyguard was worth the money when proven, perfectly servicable older guns are readily available at gun stores, pawn shops, and gun shows.

NYC: How will police confiscate banned guns?

Amid talk of reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired eight years ago, police departments nationwide are thinking of ways to confiscate such weapons.

The Long and Short Of Shotgun Chambers

I see a regular stream of older shotguns brought in for work. In many cases, they are suffering from what appears to be moderate abuse, with symptoms like loose lockup, worn hinge pins, and broken locking blocks. Many of the owners of these old shotguns are convinced that they are somehow inferior or defective, since they don't seem to hold up, even with relatively light loads. Others don't understand how their fathers and grandfathers fired these old scatterguns as much as they did, considering the recoil they produce. Well, in most cases, these old guns are finely made, and they definitely didn't beat up the user then as much as they do now.

Wild Bunch Holster Brings Practical Shooting Full Circle

Whether you enjoy competing as an athlete in IPSC, a SASS cowboy, or an IDPA tactician, the versatility of the Mernickle Wild Bunch holster can serve your needs. And if anyone asks about your rig, you can tell them about the good old days of slapping leather when a quick draw was the only game in town.

After Newtown: Why responsible gun owners need to lead the fight to end rampage...

The call for stricter gun control in this game-changing environment after Newtown is inevitable. These discussions will go on for some time and we will pay careful attention to the arguments on both sides. But for now, Gun Tests magazine chooses to focus on the immediate and the practical.

After Cerberus: Will Pension Funds Force more Gun Divestitures?

Last week, the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS), which has $751.4 million invested in Cerberus, pushed the private equity giant and parent firm of Freedom Group into selling its holdings in the gunmaking company.

Full Transcript: NRA Statement on Newtown

The National Rifle Association broke its silence on last week's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead. NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre addressed the media on Friday. Here is the full transcript:

Charter Arms Moves to New Expanded Headquarters

Charter Arms recently moved into an expanded office and production facility. The company’s new location increases production space from 8,000 to 28,000 square feet providing a major increase in manufacturing finished goods capacity.<

Bringing ‘Lawfare’ Against Glock

Perhaps you’ve seen local news stories in your area about so-called “Glock switches,” which are more accurately described as “autosears.” They are added to...